2016 Was My Best Year Ever!

Contrary to What I See People Posting Every Day About 2016 I Happen to Think This Year was Awesome.

I was prompted to write this article when I saw the video by @LukeWeareChange. Luke calls out social media concerning all of the negative posts we are seeing about 2016.

2016 the Worst Year Ever?

I sure don't think so. Personally our business tripled in size this year. Panama continues to have a stable economy. All of my family stayed healthy and this Christmas was just plain awesome. We were able to travel to Europe for SteemFest and Argentina for laBitconf. On top of all of this we have met so many great people in 2016.

Sure we had deaths in the entertainment business, a disgusting presidential election in the USA. A refugee crisis in Europe and world economies teetering on collapse but despite all of this the world is actually getting better as a whole. Watch the video to see all of the things improving around us.

You don't have to listen or pay attention to all of that stuff. Focus on making the world an amazing place. Imagine if we all spent our time on the positive instead of complaining.

Tune Out the Negative.

This house has a gift of being able to tune out the negative around us. I spend between 12-16 hours per day glued to social media. It is what I do for a living so it is difficult to avoid all of the negative posts. I used to be guilty of posting a ton of negative posts. I actually scaled that back dramatically in 2016. Personally I think this is one of the reasons our business has exploded to the upside.

Even though negative posts tend to get more reaction. People are attracted to and are more likely to do business with people who are positive and optimistic.

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