Why Kids Born Post-2000 are Screwed

I pity my future children. Why? Well, because we live in an age where children are given iPads before they are given novels; where digital media is a major educator to children during early development. Having access to the internet and the many avenues of instant gratification that it offers is far too distracting for a young child. I know it would've been for me.

How are teens / young adults in 2025 supposed to date and form meaningful relationships when they've been raised in a world obsessed with Instagram, Snapchat, and Tindr

This is more than a cultural issue, it is also a psychological one. As young brains are developing, their upbringing can greatly dictate their behaviour and personality later in life. The brain circuity that is responsible for gratification is particularly malleable by these powerful distraction devices such as tablets in the early years of childhood. This early development could permanently dictate how a person acts later in life.

My guess: we'll soon be in the age of spoiled, whiny adults. Just wait till the kids born past 2005

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