Uncomfortable Conversation

I shared this on my other social media profile, and it set off a firestorm of emotional vitriole from some of the people on my friends list.


Of those that it set off, at least two I realize I don't know very well. Of the two I don't know very well, I have not actually face to face met one of them and we only friended on that platform through circumstance. The rest I have a stronger connection to, and know in person.

All I said in regard to the article was: "I thought this article writer really stated her case eloquently and clearly." And then the knives came out from certain people.

I'm a strong person. I can take criticism, and to some degree the slings and arrows of others' opinions. I also think uncomfortable conversation is absolutely necessary, as long as it remains conversation and doesn't degrade into violence, emotionally or physically.

That said, warm hugs all around.


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