
For every form of life here on earth, one thing is certain, there is no escaping the grasp of time. Every form of life is measured as a function of time to ascertain how young or old it is. Be it a lamb or sheep, an eaglet or an eagle, a fingerling or a fish, a lion cub or a lion, a tree at its infant stage or a matured tree, a baby or a full grown man/woman, etc. an indispensable factor called time influences their looks through the aging process, which is measured in years.


Time according to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (7th Edition) is defined as what is measured in minutes, hours, days, etc. it was invented as far as the creation of the earth according to the Bible record in the book of Genesis. Though, time cannot be seen or touched physically, but its presence is felt by all forms of life here on earth through the changes in times and seasons. Through the invention of clock/calendar, man has been able to keep effective tab of time. For trees and animals, their life span varies, but still time based. Humans on the other hand, have a life span of less or more than 120 years. For example, I was just a baby boy of 2 years old trying to master the art of walking 30 years ago, but now, I am a full grown man with a different perspective towards life. However, no matter how hard I try to manipulate time in terms of aging process, the fact remains that its influence over me is simply indispensable.


Finally, whether you live in an urban or rural area, whether tall or short in stature, whether fat or slim, whether young or old, whether light skin or dark skin, whether you are on Steemit or not, one thing is sure, which is the place of time in our lives consciously or unconsciously is indispensable because, our lives here on earth is time based even while we are asleep. So, as you go about your daily activities, make every action of yours count positively because time answers to no one.


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