It’s Easy To Give Up 😔

I think it’s easier to give up the closer you get to breakthrough.

By this time you most probably feel a bit tired, you’ve made some tough calls, you went through adversity, you may have lost some friends, or you’re left in a place of uncertainty...

This is draining to the flesh.

And in these times where your flesh might feel a bit weak, it can be tempting to take one step in the other direction. Just one. So we might even justify it by saying, “I deserve a break, I’m tired.” But it takes just that one step to take another step, and another step and make it all amount to nothing ... The adversity, the lost friendships, the pain, the struggle, the heartache...

It takes A LOT to walk on the right path, but it takes just one little weak step to lead you astray again.

And wouldn’t that be a shame? To get as far as you did, only to throw it all away because you’re tired? Because it feels a little too hard. The harder it is, the greater the reward. It’s what we often forget. The harder it is, the bigger the influence, the more powerful your story.

All that tough sacrifice, you didn’t go through that for nothing. So don’t make it go to nothing.

It’s easy to let doubt cloud your judgement when time seems to stand still and answers seem far away.

And this is exactly why we need to keep focused. When our focus is right, we realize that doubt is a lie. And focus is kept by keeping our eyes on the prize. Jesus Christ. When our eyes stay fixed on Him, we will succeed to greater than what we thought. But when our eyes start to wonder around, doubt comes to mind and makes you question the journey you’re on and the journey you decided to take.

Don’t let anything put you off. You can do this in His strength.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phillipians 4:13


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