Another Good Relax Down Day!

Was able to further normalize myself, made some food, did a little gardening, it rained. All around good time. I charged up from the sun! Letting the spring time enliven! I'm looking forward to tomorrow. The next day free! I feel myself normalizing, gaining interest. I enjoy these times where I don't have to do much and am gathering myself.

I notice my recovery takes awhile. It's therapeutic just for me to be at home for awhile. Do some cleanup, take care of yourself. In times like these it may not seem like there is much to report but there is allot going on. Sometimes need the chance to not think that much. Take my mind off yet stay productive. I figure I'm always on the job, even my re-charge is part of the job.

I feel good taking the opportunity of the spring time energy to boost myself. I'm hoping further summer will be an easier time. It could be, may have a month or so free to get creative and really get going. Will at least have quite a bit of gardening to do. I have some potatoes and a few other vegetables to plant. I will go with this energy shift to let loose, be busy in good ways.

Now I'm going to wash up and sleep for the next free day. It's been a good one. I like being around, being alive at this time. Will clear the head, get onto more to think and discuss.

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