Ah, A Little Post Before Bed!

Was great to relax some in the last couple days! Driving fam tomorrow for a Doc appointment after working some in the morning tomorrow. Should wind up to be an alright day. Hope the roads are fairly clear, they should be. Back to work this week, will still focus on breaking up the routine to work on creativity as much as possible. There is the weekly open mic on Wednesday I can work towards. Plus developing a couple song ideas, can't let the inspiration slip, must stay at it all the time.

Feel revived though! Feel upstanding!! I think I will do fine in the near and farther futures. My hands have finally healed it seems! I just can't believe it! Still have another tune I want to release here tomorrow. Also looking to do some more experimental mixing as well. I will try not to be too tired by the end of the day. Shouldn't be. Although driving for a couple hours in the day is tiring.

Was glad to just clean home base some this weekend, also got some new groceries so we can eat for awhile. Glad to be able to take care of ourselves with home cooked meals and such. Yea somehow I've never felt better. Now I don't know much of what else to say. Getting a little sleepy. I will have a good rest and hopefully an interesting dream or 2. Looking forward to tomorrows life adventure! It always is somehow.

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