I will answer the questions of the singer, not now: Kana

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Music artist Dilshad Nahar Kana is busy busy with stage shows. After the 'Garden Garden' song last year, preparing for two song videos of this Eid. In the midst stage show was quite busy. He does not lag behind the movie. The musician first talked with the light about these musicians.


Many days your song video is not seen ...
I'm so busy with stage shows that I can not find time.

Are you busy with the stage show?
Yes, I have been taking 15 to 20 shows per month since November. Not just me, now everyone has a stage show. It seems that until this day, there will be a lot of noise.

What is the reason for this show so much this year?
People may be spending money behind the song. They want to be a little sunny by listening to the songs. There is no political instability now, there is no procession and meeting. The fear of militant attacks has decreased.

When the new show?
May 10, Barisal, May 14 Sylhet and May 15 shows in Tangail

How often does the songs of the song, audio organization songs in so busy?
There is no show every day. Within a few days of the month, in the movie, audio organization songs and advertisement jintail voices.

Which song did you sing?
I and Imran sang for the heroic photo of Dwatkantha. In a short film, Helen of Troy, Dualkantha with Akash Sen of Kolkata. Besides, sin poem and you just sing two more pictures in my name.

When will the new song video?
There are several songs for the audio and video organization CMV. A song will be made from those songs. Besides, there is a preparation for a song video from Dhruv Music Station. Stage shows will be closed in Rojas. At that time, we will do the work of the video. Videos are about to be released during the Eid.

Television, or at the stage? Where do you feel comfortable?
I do not do a single show on television. Do two or three a year. Because these shows are held for about 3 hours directly on television. I feel relaxed at the stage shows.

Habib Wahid, Minar, Imran Mahmudul - Who will give ten as a co-artist?
There has been a lot of work with Imran for a few days. Imran wants to give ten in ten.

What is your favorite song singing Nancy?
'Happiness of the Earth', 'Digha' - These two songs are more favorite.

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