Degree no Twitter founder,

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There was only one semester left! If you could finish another semester at the University of New York, maybe the drop out would not have been on Jack Dresse. Who knows, maybe his entire life would have changed. Maybe Twitter would not have been established! Maybe he did not own about 370 million dollars!

Twitter co-founder and chief executive Jack Dorsy on popular microblogging site. She had finished her studies as well as ten students in school-college. There was a tendency of programming from an early age. At the age of 14, he created 'Dispatch Software', a different transport company still using this open source software.

At the end of the college, Jack was admitted to the University of Missouri-Rolla. Two years later, at New York University. After completing two years there, he left the university. At the end of one semester, graduation degree was added in his career. Instead, he rushed to California. Because the idea of ​​creating Twitter has begun to grow on his head. In 1999, the dream of establishing twitter could not be implemented immediately, but tried to do some of its own. On the one hand, with the technology, the jackpot, while on the other hand, named Jackie modeling. He was also the model of Gerzio Armani's clothing. In 2006, he founded Twitter on Biz Stone and Evan William with work experience in various technology organizations. In between, there was a farewell on Twitter. Later he came back again.

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