My Stupid and Silly Dog

My silly 🐕 dog

Note : my apologies for my mistake words or grammar

He is my silly 🐕 dog, and live with my parents. He have ever lived with me for one year. He is an ugly and silly🐕 dog but has good trait and character. He used to chase me for a mile when I wanted to go work even at that time ride motorcycles but he have always "escort" me for almost a mile. Even when I went home and near five hundreds meters from my home, he chase me and welcomed me. There was a awesome activity when he lived with me, he always guard my neighbors home when they were not home also he slept on front of my neighbors home. In the middle of night he has always watch our neighborhood to guard. He always obey me and my parents. Yes he is my silly and stupid 🐕 dog (hpx)
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