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2nd April i thought was supposed to be the best day for me turned out to be my worst nightmare... He'll never talk about it yet it kept staring at me in my face "the hidden woman in his life" I knew it! Severally my mind pointed me to it but I kept waving it aside believing his words until today... I heard from the horses mouth... He was dating another!

This hidden woman had lingered in our relationship all along wearing the coat of a friend. The first day I asked who she was, we ended up having misunderstandings for over two weeks; he won't talk to me, smile with me or even eat my food. I had to look for a way to make us work again by apologising and taking the blames.

April 2nd was approaching and I called Bola on the phone asking her for hints on how to spice up my boyfriend's birthday. Bola has been my childhood friend and will go extra miles to always make me happy. She sounded all happy and said GIVE HIM A SUPER PARTY WITHOUT ATTENDING IT That was a brilliant idea and I grabbed it.

Bola got a way to his secretary and spoke with her about the party... Giving her the opportunity to blow my man's mind up for me. The next day I sent 500 thousand naira to his secretary to plan his big day and let me know if anything was missing... I received a perfect plan from her and I was so excited I had to send 100 thousand naira to her for a weldon job.

He called me on the 31st of March and asked if I'll be coming to Lagos for his birthday and I told him No that I was having a conference with my boss in Abuja that same day. He sounded pained and I promised him I'll come the next day.

I and Kyrian have been dating since three years ago and I met him on his birthday, so it means so much to both of us... The other years I've always been around for it until Bola's idea. Even after I felt the plan was brilliant, I was feeling a void deep down my heart and I took my phone and called my brother who works at the airport to book a flight for me for 2nd April.

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I left Calabar for Lagos without telling Bola because she'll stop me or feel bad I bounced her plan. My flight was delayed for over 2 hours... We got Lagos and I moved straight to the hotel we (Bola, his secretary and myself) planned celebrating his party. It was few hours to 7pm and I started looking out for preparations at the lounge but nothing showed up.

I became tensed and anxious, I began to call his secretary to know what'sup, she said they're almost set and party will begin in few minutes. I wondered... I called back again to ask the hotel she's using and mentioned same hotel I was. I couldn't call Bola to tell her I've scammed... I was totally confused. So I picked up a few things into my handbag and left for Kyrian's house.

I was this close to his door when I heard loud music and cars where packed outside. Before now he told me they wasn't any party that he'll rather celebrate when I come over. My heart started pounding and I was sweating in cold. I went further to push the door open and I saw Jimmy and Sam (His best friends) but he wasn't with them in the living room.

Where's Kyrian?

Sam: ohhhh Becky! You came! Surprise to see you.

Me: I wanted to surprise him. Where's he?

Jimmy: Upstairs...

He had an awful look on his face as though something isn't right. I headed up stairs and to my surprise, I saw My Kyrian and his secretary having sex with roses and wine in his bedroom. They didn't notice my presence as I stood in shock watching them for over 20 minutes. I could finally call his name... He jumped out of her and rushed after me...

He lied to me all these years. He told me I was all that made him happy yet his so called secretary was his mistress... I later found out that they've been together for over six years and that the whole secretary thing was a cover. He proposed to her that night and the whole money I sent, she threw a party for him in her name.

I was at the hotel and I cried my life out, I didn't have any option but to call Becky. She came to Lagos with the next available flight and took me back to calabar. Since, Kyrian hasn't called or explain to me... I feel so bitter for his actions; he lied to me, he betrayed me and worst of all, I'm pregnant for him.

I don't know what to do. All that keeps ringing in my head is revenge revenge revenge
To make matters worst, he's wedding two weeks from now and still hasn't apologised for all the pain he caused me.

I need your advise steemians. I'm broken to finish.

Thanks for reading through to this point.

I remain your favourite love clinic doctor, @gwenflorida. I talk for a living.


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