A short trip to Manchester, with my daughter.

Hello Steemians,

A couple of days ago, I visited Manchester with my daughter, just to have a wander around and check out the shops, to see if there was anything interesting out there, but was the usual stuff. I managed to take a few photos and a couple of videos. The video camera isn't too good, but you can at least see and hear what's going on.

We had a couple of food stops, and whilst we sat down to finish some food, I noticed a tree, sort of. This wasn't an ordinary tree, but was a man made metallic tree that was full of pigeons who really seemed to approve of the structure:


I took a couple more pictures of this, including one from underneath, but it was poor lighting.


Now, to be honest, I don't have much ore to show, besides this picture:


Okay, it seems that this has little relevance to the metallic tree shaped pigeon mansion and you'd be correct, but it does have something to do with the following video clip. You see this pick-up was full of energy drinks or poison crap liquid, which a coupel of people were giving out bottles of drink at a mad rapid pace. I saw the pick-up pull up and by the time I had gotten the camera out of my bag, the pick-up had been emptied.


Now, just before this, I had ecountered a group of four people, each with a barrel full of mini cans of a new no sugar super coca-cola drink,which they were opening and handing to people and they were just queueing up to drink this poison. I decided to do a little filming and I did say the one woman should do her education, which is awful English, but I meant that she ought to educate herself, but all done very spontaneously, as I was actually out shopping with Amber.

It's amazing how many people are misinformed and think that they know all sorts of laws, not realising that anyone outside of their box can plainly see that they order their surrounding environment to fit their messed up view of how the world is and how it works. They spout political rights and wrongs, but wallow in ignorance. They are fed by tabloid newspapers and mainstream news, The Jeremy Kyle Show, pizzas, kebabas and each other.

picture source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2941079/Ex-drug-dealer-appearing-Jeremy-Kyle-paternity-test-ordered-change-tracksuit-filming-host-slated-air-clothes.html

It seems that everyone is angry and will openly lash their vexation out upon you for whatever reason they feel fits into their present agenda. Yes, I am dividing the population, to some degree and division is the enemy, but these folk are, unfortunately, on the side of the enemy. They think it matters who you vote for. They think the news on the B.B.C. is the most trustworthy source of news in the U.K. They think that every theory outside of the mainstream model is a conspiracy.

They do not know how to communicate properly. They can only parrot what they hear and inevitably run out of things to say, when they realise that they know nothing about that which they express such ardent feelings for. They are limited by what they know. They trust that all is well and if it isn't then all will be okay. They perpetuate the problem that keeps them within the box, within which, the only thing that you can do, to stop you from going insane, is to perpetuate the problem.

Here's the video clip:

Hmmmmm, "You don't know nothing", is a mildly moronic thing to say, to be kind, but I said it and it proves I'm as common as much, but this video has elements of the psychologist's dream and has inspired me to get more videos. People are angry and looking for a fight or argument. Pointing a camera near or at them is somehow offensive. Let us look a little closer at this video for a second.

Firstly, the old dear, who I accused of knowing 'something' with my double negative. She lives on a council estate. Her daughter has had children before she was 18 years old and this woman is looking after them now, without seeing any irony in the situation at all. How do I know this? How can I make such sweeping statement? She cleans in a public house and/or other business/es and has more than one part time job. She is a heavy smoker and drinks strong alcohol every evening, not for pleasure, but as a coping mechanism.

Now, before you fly off the handle, I may be right, but I am just taking on a personified perspective. This is what she thinks that I think of her. This is a projection of the reflection. In other words (that aren't up their own arses), "What you see is what you are". I realise now that I should not have argued with and insulted her, but instead, done one of two things.

  1. I should have been funny. I know how to turn a situation into a comedic farce, so I should have done that and used the woman as comedy material.

picture source: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/786018941185900280/?lp=true

  1. I should have attempted to educate her or even begin a conversation, attempting to correct her passionless-fuelled angsty opinions.

picture source:

But, I didn't. The tosser with the headphones hanging around him, akin to how he was hanging around the excitement of someone on video and finding an opportunity to try to look like a smart arse, is exactly that. A tosser that hangs around life, hoping to stick his little mummy's boy pathetically orchestrated passive-aggressive stolen point of view. He is pointless. As Harry Nilsson wrote on his album, 'The Point': "A point in every direction is the same as no point at all".

picture source: http://www.harrynilsson.com/music/the-point/

He just wanted to interfere and loitered until he found his moment and that moment is very interesting. I understand vibration, as a magician, and people reading, psychology, behaviour and even thought patterns, because they are exactly that - patterns - sometimes not even belonging to the carrier, but learned or developed patterns or trains of thought. Words explain, elucidate, describe paint and expand, but they also hide a lot of things in the process of doing so. People reading is different to that of people watching. Think of it as people reading being psychological and people watching being sociological. When you people watch, you are discovering how they act in social circumstances and when you people read, you are examining their processes - how they behave on a pesonal level. The two meet during social interactions.

I f you watch the clip you will see that he was waiting for the right moment to air some soundingly empathetic whine of some form of aimles umbrage. He was waiting until my mind was being occupied, before he added his icing to the layers. He was an agent of distraction. If you have ever been the guardian of a dog, you willl know that your dog may never steal your biscuit from the arm of the chair when you are aware, but the moment that you are not attuned to the whereabouts of the said biscuit, the dog might well take it. My dog was a genuine master of conscious distraction. Not performing it, but recognising those moments.

picture source:http://www.collegehumor.com/post/6970303/dogs-face-mid-treat-catch-is-kinda-scary

But, I digress massively. The girl who didn't want to be fimed, wants to be filmed. She changes her Facebook profile picture regularly. She has a boyfried who sits at home all day smoking pot and she will do any work for money (but nothing of a seedy nature, just what you would call normal employment- odd, but still socially acceptable). She's a student of uselessness and has a degree in biology or some other useless distraction. She doesn't want to be filmed, because she is not in control of the camera and she is a 'me' person. My whole aim there was to film her, in her mind. She hasn't organised the scenery, lights, music or make-up. This is not her show, so it must stop - she felt out of control and here's the important bit - bare! Bare as in raw. Raw as in 'exposed in the moment of truth'. She may be on benefits and might not want to be seen working for a tax dodging company like Coca-Cola?

It doesn't really matter what or who she is, as with the other folk, but they do give a picture of the general kinds of folk you will find mooching the country. This was a very small clip and I feel that the reason that people are so angst and fed up is because of their present system and because they feel that the system is too big and difficult to understand or too complex to focus on, they will make do with a smaller (what they see as an) enemy to air their displeasures and askew opinions at, which can be anyone from a store assistant to a taxi driver to a teacher to a nurse, but especially for someone on the street filming them.

Anyway, I apologise for throwing snippets of something that obviously requires at the very least some form of discourse, but I just wanted to give a bit more of what was going on. Oh, and the guy holding the camera? Ah, he's just some conspiracy theorist nobhead who thought he'd be way cool taking a video of some folks giving out free coke... maybe.

All of the above said and done, it had started to get dark rather quickly and Amber and I stopped on the way back to the train station, to watch the fountain and coloured lights. It's always nice to end on a pleasant note, so I apologise for the quality, but it is an old camera that a friend gave to me and to me, it's brilliant, because I can take pictures now, for future posts and the video will do for now, although I realise that it may well frustrate or annoy folk, for which I apologise in advance for.

Here's the happy note :):

Thank you, very much, for reading this and I hope it was an interesting read.

All of my posts are 100% original content (or picture linked/sourced directly, if used). 100% of all curator rewards will go to the curators of this post, because I don't upvote my own work and all rewards are powered up 100% for Steem Power. I'm here for the long haul, to learn, share and grow with you.

Thank you.

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