Why I Use a Pyramid for Mediation

I Meditate every day.
I refer to this practice as:

"Taking My Daily Meds"

I have been Meditating for about 5 years but have only been Taking My Daily Meds seriously for the past 2. It took me about 2 years to get serious. 1 year to get comfortable and explore. At the end of this year in my practice I received a message, and ever since, have been seeking more and more... messages.


For the last 2 years, I can safely say, I have meditated every day.
Since I received the message and it was taken seriously, I can safely say, I meditate more and more each day.

Let me clear up some grey areas as I see them.
When I say meditate I mean, be still, listen. Whether I am sitting still(in a comfortable position) in my pyramid, listening; or, doing a mindless task, consider this level of activity to be stillness, then listen; or, doing something mindfully, let this level of activity be considered stillness, then listen. Walk through a public space, listen.

Hopefully there is a pattern emerging.

If there isn't Listen to this...

On urging from my intuition (I heard a ringing in my left ear only, G#5 in western tuning); So I sat down in my pyramid and started chanting, often a component to my daily meds, intoning G#3 because that's in my singing range; Suspend Throat and Tongue Positions; Synchronized with Breath: Considered this my level of stillness, then listened. I received a timely and totally F#&$ing awesome message! Thankful and totally stoked! I won't tell you who delivered the message but, you've probably heard his name before.

Perhaps some activity helps. Here is an article about how professional athletes mediate before games. Here is an article about Canadian police meditating before going on duty.

I am not hindering your path by revealing that original message I received changing my on again off a lot relationship with mediation.

Here it Goes


I use a Pyramid because of the scientifically proven coherence field of ambient energy. What this means is it latently collects/accumulates/compresses/decompresses field energy. Here is an article on Field Energy Physics. Here is an article on interactions of pyramidal structures with energy and consciousness.
Pyr-a-mid. Pyr = Fire, Mid = Middle: Fire in the Middle.

So, when I sit in the middle, scientifically speaking, I am sitting at, or around, the zero point of the latent flow of coherent field energy. This isn't like sticking your head in a microwave, but, I warn people to not jump right into a pyramid, and to expect nothing less than more of what is brought into it in the first place.

Hopping in a pyramid with hate in your heart will amplify that. Think first.

This isn't a magic show so I'm not going to show you any tricks, although some have turned on and it feels good and *true; meaning, I know the energy is love, however, it can be directed in myriad ways. The lesson of the pyramid tells me I am to expect to receive back that which I have given. I mean *true in terms of the alignment of True North.

I have my pyramid aligned to True North. Why? The Coherent field(s) of energy is/are everywhere, and field mechanics are happening all around us all the time.

Faster than time in fact. Or is it then?

By aligning my pyramid to true North I am selecting that band of frequencies to be tuned in. You can align your pyramid like a dial and tune in any vector of coherent field energy. I've selected True North because of the suggestion on the note I received after purchasing my first pyramid. It said to do so, so I did. I like it. So I haven't changed.

My first pyramid was a made out of wood(once), hard wood pulp, basically. It had a 12' base. It was large. It had a shallow incline so the Fire was located within my body; at about the heart level.

This one...
Copper-Pyramid 33.jpg

has 4' base and is 5' tall.

The Fire is around my head.
Copper-Pyramid-g-3rd-eye 33.jpg
My Third Eye is Activated- Feel a bubble of pressure, clarity in thought, clear and bright inner vision.

Copper-Pyramid-g-Crown 33.jpg
My Crown Chakra is Activated- Feel buzzing, pressure, rounded disk like.

To me it feels like this shape


( = Crown
0 = 3rd Eye
You may have to tilt your head.

Mediation is easy. I've already explained it.

Be Still Listen

If comfort is a concern play around with your position. I started with my legs crossed but found a more comfortable position for me. People meditate laying down.

In this video I show about how long it takes to get comfy. About 30 seconds. I am sitting on a small round cushion. I do not enjoy the feeling of crossed legs, or the aftermath, so I straddle the pillow. This puts my spine in better alignment.

In this video I show where I feel the energy collecting or buzzing. Some are stronger than others. Fractals patterns come to mind.

In this video I demonstrate the practical use of pyramids by intoning certain frequencies to activate specific energy centers. This combined with where the coherent energy is collecting in the pyramid creates a very clear and present effect. When I activate my Upper Heart Chakra by intoning F# the feeling is undeniable.

Let me know if you feel anything during the last video. Do Turn It Up. Don't hurt yourself or your stuff.

Thanks for coming 'round

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