Books that changed my life series Blog#1 Introduction

Why am I doing this?

One of the things Steemit has gotten me present to again is READING. Before youtube videos became my number way of learning things I used to spend hours upon hours reading books. Some of my most life changing ideas have come from these books. And if your anything like me in this modern age you've long ago forgotten those books that have had a real impact on your life. So I've decided to create a series of post that outline the most powerful books I've read and try to share with you tips, hacks, principles, and or ideas that I got from them and actually used in my life. My purpose here is two fold: Firstly, to brush up on those golden nuggets I've forgotten about and share them with you. I hope to get re-inspired and start using things that may have fallen from my attention to improve my life and hopefully yours as well. And lastly, I hope to inspire you to go back onto your bookshelves and remember those great books that have impacted your life deeply and share them back with our community.

My first book is.....

This first book was so powerful it got me inspired at the time to create a mens group and take on reading each chapter twice, do each and every added exercise ,and read supplementary readings suggested in the book. This basically meant reading four or five other books in addition. This endeavor took the better part of a year as the book is 1035 pages and very dense with ideas. The author's name is Napoleon Hill and his most famous book is called "Think and Grow Rich". Its the baby book to the book our group read called "Law of Success". Napoleon wrote this book after spending time interviewing the titans of industry of his time. Researching what quilaites these people possessed that set them apart from everyone else. Some of the most famous names you'll still recognize includes Henry Ford, Thomas Edsion, Harvey Firestone, Charles Schwab, John D. Rockefeller, and Andrew Carnegie.
Andrew Carnegie was actually the brain child of this idea. He wanted to give back to humanity the secrets of the rich and powerful. He wanted to help people rise up from poverty like he did and become successful. So he basically introduced Hill to all his rich and powerful friends and asked them to teach him their tips, tricks, and systems.

The Journey Begins

So I will humbly begin to attempt to break this very long and intense book down for you over a bunch of posts to outline each one of the LAWS to success. Please join me on this endeavor and feel free to give me any critic that you feel will help me better my posts!

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