Write A Letter To Your Child: Help Shape Their Human Existence

Writing a letter to your child or children is a beautiful way to document what your hopes and aspirations are for their future in this world. You can write a letter to your son or daughter, or children collectively, as a way to inform the universe of your intentions for their journey in life that you created. For me personally, when my first daughter was born, I didn’t have a clue as to what I had in store. Not only for myself as a parent, but for my role in shaping my daughters future. It is a lot of trial and error, and no two children are the same, which I also learned after the birth of my second daughter. If you can take a moment to look at what your big picture is, your hopes and dreams for you and your children’s future, write it down and hold onto it. As a result, you will find yourself more in tune with your true values, and it will set the tone for the universe to unfold for you, just as you want it to.

Here is a photo of my two daughters. We were getting family photos after the birth of my second daughter, when believe it or not, the photographer caught this candid moment between a loving little girl and her newborn sister.


What would you write in a letter to your son or daughter? What is your dream or vision for them? What core values and beliefs do you want to instill in them? What wisdom have you received in your lifetime that you can pass on to them?

Don’t get me wrong, the goal here isn’t to mold your child into exactly what you think they should be. It is about setting in motion for them things that will help them grow and flourish at their full potential in whatever it is that they become. You can help your children achieve their dreams and become the best human being they can be. That is your responsibility. Every child’s journey through life is unique, and one of the most unique parts of that journey is you as their parent. When you can hold vision for yourself and your children, it will help you through the trial and error, bumps and bruises, and all of the unknowns.

Ideas for a letter to a son or daughter:

  • Memories from his/her birth
  • The blessings of being a man or a woman
  • Lessons from your mother and/or father
  • Hard learned lessons from your life
  • What is unique about him/her
  • Your vision of him/her as an adult
  • One wish for him/her
  • Values you want to pass on
  • Invent a parent/child ritual for your family
  • Cultural or religious beliefs you’d like to pass on
  • How you feel special to be his/her parent
  • Write a poem
  • All the reasons why you love him/her

This is a pretty simple thing to do, and you may find that it means a whole lot to you once you do it. It may mean even more to your son or daughter if you decide to give it to them, perhaps on their 18th birthday, their high school or college graduation, or maybe their wedding day.

Peace & Love


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