7 Things That Your Girlfriend Won’t Tell You!

Let’s all face it. We all have come across phases in life where our better half (Aka girlfriend) was pissed off with us for no apparent reason. And when we asked her what was wrong, she had come up with that same age-old answer saying, “I am fine.” But here are a few things that you may have to do to win her heart and be a good and an ideal boyfriend she often dreams you to be but she won’t tell it to you on the face because she loves and cares for you.

Use these 7 advises and see the magical transformation in your love life.


  1. She wants you to be fit:

What more could be a turnoff for any girl than your pot beer belly hanging out or skinny arms and chicken legs? WORKOUT, Stay fit and have a healthy lifestyle. This will do wonders to your life. Staying fit has its perks too. You can now not only call her “Jasmine” but also lift her like one!

  1. She wants you to give her gifts:

Girls are emotional. They love when you make them feel important. And how on earth do you make that happen? Remember the important dates. Anniversaries, birthdays, or just any random day. Go to a store and buy a nice gift for her. Remember, it is not about the gift, it is about the love and care behind it. She will love you more.

  1. She wants you to compliment her for no real reason:

Never miss an opportunity to complement your lady of love. After all, she is all yours. Compliment her when she ties her hair into a bun or when she lets it out free, do it when she wears a nice makeup. She will love it.

  1. She wants you to appreciate and suggest new things when she dresses up:

From hairstyling ideas to which handbag and shoes go well with her attire, give it a bit of thought every time she dresses up. She will appreciate your taste and the attention that you give her.

  1. She wants you to be friends with her family:

Remember that as a girl she has sacrificed a lot to be with you. Her family and friends are as important to her as you are. So whenever you get a chance socialize with her family members and make her feel happy that you mingle and are one amongst them.

  1. She wants you to cook for her sometimes:

It could be as simple as toasting a bread or fixing a drink for her, it could be cooking a whole 3-course meal. But do it once in a while. And serve it to her. Happy tummy can go a long way in having a great relationship

  1. She wants you to give her career advice:

Advise her about her career choices and discuss her work. Help her out in deciding things and even to plan her work life with yours. A strong and a supportive boyfriend back in the home can make her more confident and charming in her work-life, because she has one less person to worry about. After all even she is working for both of your future.

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