Things people love that I do not understand

Don't get the wrong idea here: I am not judging anyone and I also believe that whatever you are into, go for it! There are just some things out there that people are super-enthusiastic about to the point of obsession and I just don't get it.

This doesn't mean they are wrong, I just don't get it. I'm sure there are things that I love that they would find boring as well. The idea behind this post is not to insult anyone, but just some sort of free-write about something I was thinking about the other day when I was walking my dog and saw a group of people on Vespas. Which brings me to my first topic



These loud and "tinny-sounding" bikes are not only really expensive and difficult to find parts for, but they are also slow. I don't get the allure and really can't understand outside of a collector's point of view why anyone would want to have one of these when there are so many other, more efficient, and cheaper alternatives. I just don't get it



I will admit that I owned one of these things at one point in the past when I had a really good year and in a moment of weakness I purchased a "toy" that I did not need and didn't really have much practical purpose for.

They are loud, terrible on gas mileage, heavy, almost impossible to park and god help you if you ever front park into spot on a decline since they do not have a reverse gear and weigh a million pounds. The only bones I have ever broken in my life came at the hands of one of these monstrosities, and it wasn't because the crash was bad, it was because the bike landed on my leg and it crushed my ankle in 3 places.

A lot of these bikes don't even have fuel gauges but instead have a "reserve tank" that you switch over to after the main tank runs out, then you know only from experience how many more miles / km you have left before you are well and truly fucked. I have been in a situation multiple times where I had to push this heavy monster down the road in order to get a gasoline top up.

Also, at least on my bike, things like tires were absurdly expensive. When I went to replace the rear tire on my modified Honda Steed 800 I was shocked to find out that a new tire was going to cost $800. That's just crazy talk man! I will never buy another one of these things and again, I just don't get it.

Star Trek

Ok nerds out there: Understand this. I am one of you. I own around 20 T-shirts and 4 of them are Star Wars themed. I do draw the line at classic Star Trek though because, and someone is going to have a problem with this I'm sure, they aren't good.


I have tried on multiple occasions in my life to get into this show. I really have. I almost immediately become incredibly bored and I get tired of trying to understand why there are so many people that absolutely LOVE this series. I feel the same way about most of the other Star Trek series as well. I liked the films basically across the board, but as far as the original series is concerned.... I just don't get it.

Anything made by Supreme

I'm not really a fashion guy so this is the first step I have in not understanding the enthusiasm behind people getting this overpriced clothing. I've never really understood the fascination with labels but when it comes to Supreme I find the craze even more absurd.


When I see someone wearing Supreme gear I feel as though this is a person that must need constant recognition and is likely very active on social media. With some high end gear I can understand the inflated prices because at least it is of higher quality. I have a NorthFace jacket because it is made of waterproof material and genuinely is better than other jackets. Supreme stuff is exactly the same as their generic counterparts but because of the name on it, it costs 10 times the price.


Supreme can sell anything with their name on it and people will buy it. There is a video out there of a guy who waited in line for hours in order to get a Supreme crowbar and when interviewed about it, he doesn't even know what a crowbar is used for.

I just don't get it



This one is a bit more Asia specific because I had never even seen one of these or heard of them until I moved to Thailand. There is a certain season where these fruits will be in every market and there are a few people out there that insist that they LOVE dragonfruit. To me, dragonfruit has a strange texture with all the tiny weird seeds in it and the worst part about is that it looks like it is going to be something really exotic but it honestly tastes like you are eating a glass of water. It has no taste and no, I am was not suffering from Covid effects when I formed this opinion.

When dragonfruit is served as a dessert I am severely let down because there are so many fruits out there that actually taste like something but dragonfruit is not one of them.

I just don't get it

I was going to put "soccer" in here as well but figured I would limit the amount of potentially pissed off people so I'll just leave that one alone for now. I could make an entire article about my disdain for that and I might do so and see how many nasty remarks I can get thrown at me.

In the meantime if you can think of anything that you "don't get" I'd like to hear about them

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