Someone Always Paves the Way

 With all the family around through holidays, a person does a lot of reflecting!   I had an Aunt I rarely see come over for New Years, and it really made me count my blessings.

As a child & being highly intuitive like most children, no one ever talked about psychic phenomena, or spirituality other than the perspective of religion.  I had a tough time with that, as it made me feel an outcast, doubt my sanity, and for the most part scared the crap out of me because the church viewpoint I got was that it had to be 'evil'.  So I shut it off, even used drugs & alcohol in an attempt to dull out the input & feel 'normal'.

When my own son started having psychic tendencies I worked on keeping an open mind, but the whole thing still scared me, and lets face it, who talked about these things?  I'd had a few introductions thanks to some family members who were brave enough to be different thank god.  When my son hit about age 12 (same age it hit me hard & I went to drugs) he started hearing voices on an overwhelming scale and our house turned into something off poltergeist.  Some of the advice I got was to take him to a psychiatrist.  So rather than see my beautiful, gifted son drugged up & had no choice but to learn,and learn frikin fast.  I read every book, talked to every person I had even an inkling had gone through this kind of thing.  I was amazed how many people have had experiences when I started asking! 

Many years, and massive learning later, my son called me upset.  He had a girlfriend who had lost her father.  He had been hanging out at her place over the holidays & described them as really nice, but kind of messed up family.  They were all kind of lost after his loss, and the mother was in a huge depression.  He started telling me about how he was getting messages from the father.  He was of course excited, and thought that by sharing them with the family they would find peace & joy.  He was horrified that they got all upset, and his girlfriend embarrassed & the mother stormed out of the room crying.  How could they misunderstand such a beautiful opportunity??????  So my son asked me " Mom how could they be so backwards?  Our family isn't like that at all!"  My heart a bit broken for him, & after explaining how some people just didn't have any understanding I simply had to answer,,,,,,, "Hunny, that way was paved for you"

So on New Years, I looked at this amazing woman my Aunty is, and that incident rang in my heart.  She was the 'crazy' Aunt, the one who introduced me to Reiki over 20 yrs ago, the one who started learning & living a holistic lifestyle.  I remember hearing "omg, what the hell is she into now" "what the hell crazy scheme is it this time'  The disdain & the judgements a child hears and can change the course of a life.  I realized the freedom I have now to be different, because she bore the brunt.  I realized how those tiny seeds she planted may have saved MY child, and I realized that she had no idea how much she had changed not just her children, not just me & mine, but how she had created a legacy.  A legacy of truth, of freedom, and the ability for us to go on and develop our abilities without the judgement.  She had paved our way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,So now, my beautiful goddess sisters.  WE are paving the way.  If you are feeling judged, or scared or unworthy, just remember.  You may be creating a legacy,,,,,,,,,,

Let your lights shine, there is nothing more powerful or beautiful, Namaste <3 

Lorene - 2014

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