Stay Away from Negative People!

Today, I'd like to reflect on how it is important to stay away from negative people and how you surround yourself has a lot to do with your own happiness and success.

Whatever dream you may have in life there will always be negative people to put you down because they are themselves frustrated of not having succeeded in their life, and the last thing they want is you to succeed.

Stay Away from Negative People!

When you are looking at successful people, it's hard to find one that has a negative mind because they certainly won't be where they are if they were not positive.

"Birds of a same feather flock together" and if you are around losers who complain all the time about their situation, you will end up like them. This all makes sense! If you have 5 friends that you like to hang up with all the time and they always have a negative attitude, then guess what, you will be the same and reduce your chances of succeeding in something you want to do.

Being negative is very contagious and if you are in proximity of negative people often, you have a good chance to become one. It is also very toxic because how do you think you can achieve something if your negativity tells you that you are going to fail?

Negative people reflect on failure, problems and why something can't be done or why you can't succeed.

Positive people reflect on success, take problems as challenges to be solved, have faith they will succeed and draw up plans to do so.

Everyone has a kind of aura and waves around their body that you can pick up. When you are around negative people you take a bit of their negativity with you, if you are around positive people, you take a bit of their positivity.

If you are around cynical, frustrated and negative people all the time… you will become cynical, frustrated and negative. If you want to be like them, then fine, but if you are different and want success in what you want to achieve, you have to align yourself to positive people.

Get together with people who will encourage you, people who can empower you, people that you can learn from and people that you can grow from.

It is necessary to be around people who can contribute to your growth and if you can't find them in real life, in your town, in your community or church, then you can turn to the Internet.

There are a lot of inspiring people that you can follow online and as I said before, you will see that they always have a positive attitude about things that affect their lives. They seem to always go ahead in what they do and that's the kind of people you want to follow. 

There are also online support groups, motivational groups, entrepreneur groups, especially on Facebook. You can join these groups and find people like you who want to go ahead in life and interact with positive people, to encourage each others. 

I have been avoiding negative people for a long time, because trying to change them is not what will work. Instead, I have protected myself against those negative people and even if I come across one of them in life or online, this doesn't affect me. Everyone has the right to be as they want to be.

Now, if you know that you have been a negative person yourself and want to change your attitude, thoughts, the same advice applies. You won't become positive if you are around negative people. Work yourself up having positive people around and as they are as contagious as negative people, you will experience a change for the better in your attitude in life.

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Michel Gerard

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