Do not betray your faith and yourself! And go to your dream


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If a person does what is very long, then by the result becomes the person he aspired to. After all, a person is what he does. Although our deep desires and dreams, we can sharpen completely for a different profession. We can wish for something deeply, but at the same time, if our desire fades and does not come true, then in the end we will become what we do.

Imagine a guard who does not like his job, but always dreamed of being a journalist. If he completely surrendered and resigned himself, with his defeat, thereby accepted the work of a security guard and thought that I would never become a journalist by dangling my hands. Then he is already a guard, because man is what he does. Working a year, two, three - a security guard, then already during this period he will take it for granted. And he will be very far from journalism, not even remember that there was such a dream. If this guard does not give up and continues to believe in his success and whiter than that, it's not easy to believe, but to train, go to interviews and be where journalists gather, then eventually become a journalist hundred percent. If, of course, not only dreams, but also acts for a long time purposefully, then he can already be said to be a journalist.

Therefore, it is worth remembering, if you buried your dream, then you buried yourself alive. You are trapped on the path that you are currently on, but if this path is not to your liking, then it is simply sluggish and uninteresting to you in the future. If you continue to just dream and do nothing to realize your dream, then you risk losing faith in time. Here you are already fifty years old (suppose), and you all work as a security guard when you do not want it. If you only believe and dream, but do not do anything, then the faith will eventually fade. However, if you do not just believe and dream, but you act more and more every day, then you will definitely achieve your goal.

From this it is worthwhile to draw a conclusion. And remember that man is what he does. After all, we can go any way and get into any profession. However, only on the path that we like, we will be happy and successful.

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