Every person has that special and unique being within them. That sweet smelling savour inside of us that we are unaware of. This special being is what makes you unique, that is your special perfume that make you to scent wherever you go, which makes people to distinguish you. That being has the power to thrust you to the next level, but we fail to fail to identify that being and that being is what I call the You, you don't know about .PhotoGrid_1519645988260.jpg

Many of us make that You to be dormant and don't want to harness that You in us. This You is like a gold deposit in which if the miner fails to mine, there would be no gold, so he mines even if it takes him the whole day and that's because he has a target. Friends in order for you to achieve that target and predetermined goals we need to harness that You in us. God has programmed this You in us so that we can identify it in times of challenges but we Christians miss it when we want God to come down and give us our daily bread , to come to fight our battles, they forget that we have passed the dispensation of manna in the wilderness. Whereas God is saying in a fact

Boy or girl all you need to face this challenge head on is within you. I am your creator and I know what it is you truly desire. For my thought for you are of good and. not of evil, that is why I put in you that specialYou in your spirit man

The non-identification of that special You is what is keeping the youth unemployed today. I believe the identification of that part of you is what takes you out of any challenge. You just need to have a nice conversation with that special You to bring it to life. So many people bring out a negative part and have a myopic mindset by saying that is who I am, God made me to be poor,God created me to be average, I meant to be happy and comfortable in my poverty e.t.c. Friends don't quote me wrong by saying it is not good to be happy in poverty and be all negative, all am saying is that God puts that You in you for you to become great. Sometimes we say God where are you in my situation but God is sad that we fail to understand and acknowledge that we are gods and He made us in His own image and likeness. Therefore, ask yourself if I am a god why should I be poor, why should I be average, why should I wallow in my poverty. The simple answer is to look at how big your creator is, He is not a poor God because He has the world as his foot stool, an average god cannot bring light out of darkness in the beginning, an average god cannot see the end from the beginning . God is too big to be compared to an average being. It is an anathema to compare him with any thing.
People do not know that God has picked them to be world class champions and to be a marvel, others have died without harnessing what God out in them. Your direction in life is a function of knowing who you are and what you carry, if indeed you know what you carry, you can never miscarry. Stop playing the blame game of blaming God for your misfortunes because

God is not a waster of resources, if He knew you were worth nothing, why waste His time and resources to create you

Guys, everyone has a purpose in life and the only way to achieve that purpose is to bring that dormant You to come alive
1.) Fear: So many of us let fear grip us. Fear can make you not to achieve the goals u were brought on earth for. So many of us have that great business idea that has been given to us by God but we let the different what ifs to capture our You. For the Bible said in 2Timonthy1:7 For God did not give us the spirit of fear but if power and of love and if a sound mind. Dearie for you to have in this world is to do away with fear. If you have a great idea Start it up, do not waste your time thinking of what ifs and may be's and just let that You come alive.
2.) Religion: This character is mostly seen in Africa where someone wants to too religious and want to be too religious and want to be conventional in their thinking instead if having a multi-dimensional thinking. What do we understand when the Bible says Go ye into the world be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and also have dominion over all things. Dominion over all things does not only mean in the things of the church, like the word all means everything in this world, even in politics,music,sports,dancing, even in your profession, God expects us to have dominion everywhere. Christians have this mentality that politics is a dirty game but my dear dominion over all things means all things. You can't limit a man who has political vision and dreams just because he is a Christian? No my advise is that he should enter the political world by storm that is what to subdue the earth means and have dominion. How can we dominate if we have this shallow thinking that some professions are evil while others are good? No if you understand the importance of that special You you will understand that, the special You is meant to dominate not to lie dormant. If politics is a dirty game as a Christian it is your duty to make it clean and also portray God leading all men to Him. God Omniscient, He is everywhere, thus if we are gods we are meant to be everywhere like our God dominating, taking charge and replenishing the earth.
Just like the mining of gold has steps, there are also steps to uncovering that You, those steps are;
1.) Find the deposit: just like the first step to mining gold is to know where it is deposited. Geologist use maps to find that promising area to explore. So of you know that you are the best of God's creation and we are more precious than gold then we should find where our creator has deposited that special part of you in that promising area of your body.
2.) Analysing the Promising Area: Once the promising area are identified we need to have that nice conversation with our special being and know what our God given purpose on earth is.
3.) Type of Mine: After analysing the promising area we need to look within us to have a target on the type of person we want to be whether we want to be an average person at a cinema person who want to just watch the success of other people without making an impact .
4.) Refine Yourself: This has to do with removing every fear and everything that does not conform to the word of God. In order to do this we need to develop ourselves either by training or through education or acquiring a skill. Surely you can't hit the top empty if not you fall. For you to get to the top you need a ladder so acquiring a skill or training that don't just take you to the top but help you to remain there.Improve your talent and skills on a daily basis. Don't do things conventionally but multi-dimensionally. Your success in life is a function of your input.
Time to take Charge*: You need to be in control of your present and also the future leaving away the spirit of fear and hinging your trust on God and His promise that He shall multiply us and we shall not be small and He shall glorify us and we shall not be few. Dear after hearing this promise we don't need to be afraid because we have a marvellous God and His thought for us are of good and not of evil. We need to subdue and have dominion in whatever occupation we find ourselves.
All am saying is that we should not allow that special You die within you. So many people have died in this world without uncovering that special being in them while some are roaming around without acknowledging that special being and that is why they are still living an average life. Friends am calling out that special You inside of you to come alive. Have you ever wondered why anytime you read or hear a word like something comes alive in you? Well that is your special You coming in conformity with the word and wanting you to acknowledge it's presence and desire to come alive. Friends always let that special You come out of the box.PhotoGrid_1519644890891.jpg


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