The Answer Well

So many people go around life confused and ignorant. They are not aware of the second person inside of them, they go around life taking the shit life throws at them and do nothing about it. They do not believe they have all they need inside of them to succeed. christian-lifestyle-blog-the-power-of-a-seed-1024x796.jpg

The answer well is a seed inside of you and for you to be successful in life you need to consult that seed and have to agree in your heart and mind to let that seed germinate and become fruitful. The reason God put that seed in you was because he believed in teamwork because in the book of Genesis 1:26 it says;

Let us make mankind in our image and after our likeness and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the beast and over all the earth and over everything that creeps upon the earth.

Take note of the word US, that is a simple word with a compound meaning, I call it a Universal Set because it consist of a whole body, organization, sector etc. Note I said God believed in Teamwork that is why he put a seed inside of you to walk hand-in-hand with that seed to birth the The Real You. But many of us go on in life ignorant of that seed in them believing they can do it all on their own, that is why they succeed at a thing at first and later fail at the end because they Neve r want to walk with their inner being to help them achieve all that they are destined to be. Look inward and consult your inner being before you do anything because in there lies Vision,Mission, Purpose, Foresight, Zeal,Strength,Force,Will Power and Humility. Totally rely on your inner being to guide you. God loves you so much and that is why he put a seed in you to guide whenever you are going on the wrong track always seize the opportunity to make efficient use of whatever God has put in your seed. Use it to take your word by storm.finding-your-true-self-spiritual-universe.jpg

letting your inner man emerge
Inside your seed lies the answer and solutions to all your confusion and solution. Take a quality time to talk to your inside man to know what to do next and always feed your inner man with food to help him grow and develop. By food I mean grow it with intellectual and spiritual food which can be in form of books, audio tapes, videos, mentors and health companies around you. Take a time everyday, week or month to feed your inner man. Because the inner man is an inward growth that has full expression outwardly in form of success, prosperity,greatness etc. trinitydome.jpg
The Trinity that lies within you
That inner man is God himself in three person being put inside you to grow spiritually, physically and intellectually. You having God the Father,the son and the Holy spirit,you become a plus and a wonder to your world and if you are able to have full understanding of this Trinity, that is the only way you can become Great. If you need mercy and reassure yourself of what God had said, go to the Father or you want to take a bold step in life but you are afraid trust the Father because Isaiah 43:2 say; I will go before you and make the crooked path straight. Always meet the father to help you.
The Son serve as a mediator between the Father and you and he took away your sicknesses and bore your disease (Mathew 8:17). The Holy spirit is the Seat of Wisdom who always tell you what to do per time. The bible said he that lack wisdom should ask, so always ask the Holy spirit to guide. When you have this Trinity inside of you all you need to do is ask and it shall be given to you.
Thanks guys for reading this post and hope to see your comment in the the reply section and do well to read my other post to get more inspired. Have a pleasant day and see you in my next post😘.

Also read this very inspiring post to open the Eye of your Understanding of being a winner or Nike

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