If Bill Gates should make a promise to you in public in front of the media that he would give you money, would you pray? Am sure you won't. Let's not be too religious here and be truthful to ourselves, we won't pray rather. So what makes you to believe that he would give it to you. It's because of who he is and you know he is capable of delivering and for the fact that he made the promise in public and in front of the media. That is why you don't doubt it. Have you also wondered why kids are not afraid to ask anything from their parents even when the money is not there we...ll that's because the are conscious of the fact that their parents are there to give them what they need and they know that their parents' duty is to provide for their needs.
Many of us go around without being conscious of who we are and who our father is. God is our father and he wants us to ask anything of him on the basis of his word, he is willing to answer at anytime but you just need to ask. Many of us go around behaving like bastards not being aware of our father. God is the father that help us see farther. As kids when your earthly father makes you a promise and he has not fulfilled it, you don't pray you just remind him of the promise he made to you, that is what God expects from us to remind him of the his words and his promise which is found in the bible, just like he said my words shall not return to me void(Isaiah 55:11), believe in that word and don't doubt. I know it looks as if God is not responding in our situation and that he is silent to our request but what God is saying for a fact is that he is waiting for us to ask on the basis of his words. In the book of Hosea14:2a it says take with you words and return to the Lord, the reason many of us go through what we go through is as a result of the fact that we fail to be aware of our inheritance in Christ, we are ignorant of it and the devil loves our ignorance and that is why a wise man once said the only way to defeat the devil is our knowledge of the truth which we are unaware of. Once the devil knows this he flees, God is happy when we have knowledge about who we are as His children. magnifying-gods-love-truth-or-tradition-720x340.jpg

Many of us are not willing to search the scriptures, for I tell u friends there is nothing that cannot be found in the bible, but all we need to do is to take this words to God and remind him of His promise, many of us pray without the prayer being rooted in the word of God, just like the way you remind your earthly father of his promise made to you, God also wants us to remind Him of his promises, don't assume that he already knows what you are going through, which he does but he said in Isaiah43:26a put me in rememberance let us plead together, so guys God also want us to remind him.
Nothing is new about your life which the bible has not written, for example if you are sick, Matthew 8:17 is there for you when it says himself took my infirmities and bore my sickness keep declaring if that if he took I can't have it, keep declaring it because that is your inheritance for in his words he said he said healing is thy children's bread(Matthew 15:22-28). It is not God's will for us to be sick. If you are afraid or in confusion, God is saying in Isaiah 41: 13 for I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand, Do not fear for I will help you. God always thinks about you and always wants to help. As a student or business person and you need wisdom He said if anyone lacks wisdom let him ask of God who gives generously without finding fault(James1:5) and also ask the Holy spirit the seat of wisdom for it is written that but the helper the holy spirit whom the father will send in my name will teach you all things and will bring to your rememberance all that I have said(John14:26). All things does not mean only mean the bible even your books as student, your business and in your profession and every aspect of your life. If you are single as a lady the bible got you covered when God said he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtain favour from God( Proverb 18:22). As a lady keep declaring it and say I am a good thing so any man who has not seen me is missing out on God's favour. As a single man the Lord is already thinking about you and that is why he said in Proverb 19:14 houses and wealth are inherited from parents but a prudent wife is from the Lord.PhotoGrid_1524345137241.jpg
Friends you have the greatest father who loves you more than anything he thinks about your well-being day and night and he daily loaded us with his benefits meaning that each day God has a blessing for us but we just need the right words and the right attitude. By right attitude I mean your faith has to be intact, don't doubt God because He is not a man that he should lie (Numbers 23:19). A wise man once said faith is taking a step in a stairs even if you don't see the end of the stairs, so why don't you take that step of faith and trust in the God that has given you all these promises and care. He cares about you and wants to make the enemy pay for putting you through that challenge. He cares so much about you but he is only yearning that you trust him and stop hinging your trust on men.
Guys God got you covered through the promises he has made, he knows what you are going through but needs you to trust that his timing is never late for you and that is the best time.

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