A failure only remains a failure if you don't learn from it. I've stuffed up a lot in life...


A failure only remains a failure if you don't learn from it. I've stuffed up a lot in life...

Wise words from my homie Luke Punchy

Kicked out of school at 15.

Addicted to drugs and alcohol.

Weighed over 120 kilos.

One of the head guys in a violent street fighting crew.

Made my money through stealing and robbing drug dealers.

Stabbed twice; once in the lung, the other time in the head. These stabbings were acts of self-defence because I attacked them.

Came within seconds of killing someone in a revenge attack.

Hurt unimaginable amounts of people in organised street fights.

Watched friends die.

Watch another friend run over by a train and ripped his arm and half hand off.

AND... it goes on and on.

These "failures" are what's caused me to seek (and find) some incredible answers to life. To happiness. To being myself. Even after turning it all around, I lost 47 kilos, was away from all the drama, and started boxing. I was clean for a year, but went to Thailand for a holiday. The first night in Thailand I got high on cocaine, jumped on a motorbike and was run over by a truck. It broke both bones in my leg, crushed my hip & pelvis, and disclocated my jaw. Returning home to Australia I put all the weight back on, got on the drugs and alcohol, started breaking the law again, hurt people, and found myself down that deep, dark, and scary cave. Deeply depressed and paranoid. I learnt from it though.
I fought back.
Lost the weight again and won a state amateur boxing title.

I now travel across Australia (soon international) speaking at high schools, large corporations, prisons, and charities. I'm an Author of the international best-seller, 'Stabbed Ego - A Thug's Journey to Enlightenment.'
My second book soon to be released!

I love that I'm also a mentor for troubled youth.
AND... now the successes go on and on.

One of the best successes though, is after being incredibly depressed and scared for so long, now I'm incredibly happy. Life couldn't be any better because I'm now being myself.

I'm not telling you this to show off like a wanker. I'm telling you this to prove that no matter how many times you've failed, if you dig deep, you can get out and achieve whatever you want.
I get messages daily from peeps asking about improving their lives, and they think they're 'stuff ups'. They ask how I've stayed on track to improve my life.

Do I still fail now? For sure. I still stuff up and do stupid shit. We're human. It happens. Just gotta pick your arse back up, learn from it, know what you do want, and move forward.

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