I am the Wolf

"The one key trait different between successful people and unsuccessful people is successful people are 100% convinced that they are masters of their destiny. They are not creatures of circumstance, they create circumstance. If the circumstances around them suck, they change them."
-Jordan Belfort

I've been watching Jordan Belfort videos for the past couple of days of you can't tell and I've been realizing that the only person responsible for my life is me.

Everything that's happened up until now doesn't matter or exist anymore. The past does not dictate the path I lead, it is merely a reminder that it in no way effects my goals or the path to get there and straight up, doesn't fucking matter.

I've been meditating a little on the events of my life in recent history and how they've overcome me a little. I've been depressed, fallen into despair, bitched about it to anyone that would listen, drank myself into alcoholism - until I read that quote!

In a matter of days I made changes to the circumstances. I cut people out that were consistently and now deliberately hurting me, I sales pitched my boss for more training and money and got it, and am looking into starting a side business. The business is different than what I originally wanted but it's a circumstance that's more attainable and one that I have all the right connections to make it happen.

We all have a choice to make. I choose success. I am the wolf.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."

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