The Price or The Prize?

Often times I have seen people clamour for the prize and not the price.



The Price versus The Prize

PRICE= if you buy something you pay for it (cost, amount needed to buy something, reward, recompense... ).
PRIZE = if you win a competition, lottery etc., you are given an award.

The price
These are simply the things you do to acquire a new position or to achieve a dream. They are the numerous sacrifices we put into achieving our heart desires.

They are the sleepless nights we suffer to see that something happens. They are those nights of pains.

They are the dribbling sweats fueled by determination trickling down our face.

They are the tiny voice that whispers "you can do this" when your hands are weak and lifeless.

They are that pat on your back that says, "we got us", let's just try again.

They are the hand that helps you back up when you fall down.


The prize
This is the crown we wear after the race.
This is the rounding applause we receive when the deed is all done.
This is the reward we receive for our consistency.
This is the congratulatory message we receive saying well done!

The prize might not be material. Most times it is immaterial.

The immaterial prize most times is the satisfaction that comes from achieving some feats.

It is that big smile to self. It is that secret grin that says "come on, I am proud of me!"

The joys that comes from the prize usually outlives the price.

The Prize before the Prize

Hell No!
The Price before the Prize please!

I know it is easier said than done but the Price has to come before the Prize.

Do you receive your salary at the beginning of the month?

No you don't!
So you got to start working at it, keep working at it and just soon enough, you will receive the crown for your works.
You will receive the prize for all the prices you have been paying.


The Key

This can never ever be over emphasized.
Just don't faint, keep at it.
Keep doing what you ought to do.
Pay the sacrifices.
Grind the grind.
Do the work.
You will receive the prize.

Thank you so much for reading.

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