Memory like a pachyderm

I grew up with many sayings...I don't mean urban slang, I mean good old fashion sayings like "too many cooks spoil the broth" and "a stitch in time saves nine." and although I never really used them myself they seemed relevant and quite logical. One I used to use here and there however was, "memory like an elephant." I just seemed to have the ability to remember things quite easily; A skill most would probably like I guess.

Having a good memory can come in handy and I've put it to good use over the years. I had my credit card and bank account numbers stored in my noggin, could recall people's names quite easily and because of my memory recounting stories from my youth has always taken on a more real-world aspect allowing the listener to feel more a part of it. It also comes with a flip-side though. I recall things I'd be better off forgetting and sometimes those things play on my mind, even now.

I remember thinking about it a while back and wondering how good an elephant's brain really is, and if they do indeed never forget anything. I was curious enough to look it up and as it turns out an elephant's intelligence has never really been fully determined. They are intelligent though of course, but do they never forget? Well, it's not proven either way.

The way I understand it, an elephant uses much the same methods as do humans to recall things: Sight, touch and smell among others. Have you ever got a whiff of food that reminded you strongly of that pasta you ate at that little romantic restaurant in Belllagio, on the shore of Lago Di Como with the partner of your dreams? I have. That's the sort of thing elephants do as well. (Thanks to my non-steemit brother for the use of this image he snapped.)

Like us, elephants don't store every single memory of each particular detail or stimuli ever experienced. They download the survival-critical information like where the food is, where danger may be and who their family are. It's this information that is not forgotten. It's no different to us cutting ourselves on a sharp kitchen knife as a five year old. We store that away and remember that kitchen knives are sharp for the rest of our lives.

Having a good memory can be a great skill and at the same time not so much. If you ask my wife she'll say my memory is good until we are in a argument and I remember every little detail of something that happened 25 years ago...Not so good for her. Although, in the main I'm glad I have a good memory and rarely use it for evil intent.

So, what made me think of this today? Well, I arrived at work Friday last week and went about my day until I realised that I forgot something I was supposed to do and well...It's going to cause an issue or two. Nothing major of course, just the investment of a lot more time and effort over the next week or so. Not ideal.

What ways do you all use to remember things in personal and professional life? I mean I know people with amazingly complex lives and I wonder sometimes how they keep it all straight. I'm usually very good at this sort of thing and this little slip up has me worried that my amazing memory might be fading away in my old age...I might need your hints and tips before long.

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