Could I be happy with a Never Wanted Job?

As a child, we dream about what we want to become when growing up; some would like to cross space soaring into a spaceship, others may dream about chasing the bad guys while eating donuts as in the movies, while others want to save lives in a hospital. Actually, we go through many professions while being a kid, of course, playing.

The reality is that, when getting into adulthood, not everything goes as dreamed. Many may end up doing something totally different to what they wanted as a child, sometimes, working at something we may had joked of. While other, work very hard just to see their dreams come to life, and end up doing what they always wanted, "the dreamed job!".

Those who have the job of their lives, will never suffer from monday sickness, they just enjoy as much as a kid with a new videogame, everytime they have to go to the office, hospital, etc. But, for those who don´t, they just want to elongate the time every sunday, and could do anything to avoid getting out of the house on monday.

Every story is different. Yet, we could all learn to be as happy as never, and still have a never wanted job. After all, jobs are only another activity in our lives that we do in order to be able to buy or do everything we´d like to.

When getting very old, what really would matter is, what else did you do with the rest of the time out of the work place? Did you only dedicated your life, not only to do something you didn´t like, but also to stay at it complaining without looking for something better? I believe that we are where we are supposed to, and we are capable of turning every situation in our lives into something better.

If you don´t like your job, that´s ok, it´s a JOB, you are not supposed to love it; instead, use it as your inspiration to improve your skills and be able to find a new one that fits your aspirations.

In the mean time, just enjoy where you are in. As I´ve learnt to love the views I get from the office at my never wanted job.

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