Where have all the losers gone?????????????????????

Was I the only one on this planet dumb enough to fall for the December 2017 pump and dump? Why does it seem like I am the only one who went all in, in mid December 2017 and lost it all. Every person I talk to on steem seems to be in a profit position overall on their portfolio and I have yet to meet one person who is down . Sure there are the bitconnect tools on YouTube, but I am not referring to bitconnect or lending platforms.

It would be really helpful if someone came forward, the market cap doubled in 5 weeks, so there has to be more people like me out there. Some days it gets tiring listing all the people on YouTube and here tell their stories of success, but their surely isn't anyone telling stories like mine. Has everyone else like me got discourage and left the crypto space or are they all just too embarrassed to tell their stories?

Now I am not talking about opportunity cost losses, I am talking about putting in FIAT and loosing it. I know people mortgaged their houses to buy bitcoin, when bitcoin was 20k, so a lot of these people have to be in a pretty rotten position right now, more so if they don't have money to service the debt while they wait for bitcoin to recover. Below are just a few examples of what I mean. I am just looking for a support network, it so hard to see the light, when you feel like you are the only loser in town.

Maybe coming to steem is the wrong place. There seems to be a lot of overly intelligent people on here, that have been involved in crypto for many years and that will trump anyone that decided to jump on board 9 years in like I did. If I didn't have my family business during that time, I would have probably been on board a lot sooner. But until it was destroyed, I never thought I had to save or invest, because everything I had was going in to my business.

Please, though it may be embarrassing, if you have a story of loosing in crypto, please let me know. It may even save my life.

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