Peaceful Day // Count My Blessings

This week was started as a busy day for my work.

By god's grace I have finished it within two days. :D

Hmm. To reflect back, I am thankful for friendly and affable senior colleagues. They shared and talked with me like a friend during lunchtime. I feel I am being appreciated and respected as their peer.

Since I have finished my urgent work, I have more free time to play around. These few days, I have searched though some personal finance booksto improve my financial literacy. :) There are some quite basic books for a newbie like me to have better understanding on finance. Thanks for the recommendations from book lovers too.

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Please recommend me if you have good books for financial or investment too.

Quotes from Book

We used to have dreams when we were young. But often, we find excuses to delay our dreams when we are adult who are tied with commitment. We came up with all sort of excuses : settle my loan first, set up my career or family first and others until we forgot about our dreams.

I came across with this remarkable sentence when I read "My everyday before 30 year old" by a china author.

This reminded me of my dream of traveling around the world. My mum used to tell me you can travel with your own money in future as I always complaint about my parents for never bring us to travel abroad. Now, I started to realize, life is tough, to realize my traveling dream, I shall work on it with good planning. It is doable with good planning. If not, I know I will regret in someday. And, dream will just stays as dream.

Failure is always before success. We should not treat it as a permanent scenario just like a baby falls down countless times until they know how to walk. If we treat failure as a long term scenario, we would never know ow to walk.

This is a simple yet meaningful saying. We become low risk taker when we have grown up due to the environment and experiences. We afraid to fail and do not dare to take the very first step. That's why we still stay in the same stage in our life.

Daily Memory Verse Plan

On top of book reading, I have started daily memory verse plan three days ago. :)

Hopefully, I will keep it as a habit to continue this journey with God. The reason behind this is to equip ourselves to be the light of the world especially when we need to pray for others, those verses will appear automatically in my mind. This encourages each other to walk in the path of Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

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Love this verse a lot. It teaches me to be thankful and grateful in all circumstances, good or bad, this is god's will for me.

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