Daily Thoughts - 07 Apr 18 - Homesteading Today...

Good Morning, Steemians! :D

It’s a grey and gloomy looking day this morning, hopefully the sun will come out later. :D

Princess (foreground) coming over to say hi while Candy (background) exits the barn. :D

Candy (left foreground) and Belle (left background) went straight for the hay pile. My husband had to herd Buddy (right background), Joker (right center) and Princess (right foreground) down to the field because Buddy got in the lead somehow and created a road block for the others, LOL. :D

The whole herd is in the pasture finally. Our pretty girls Candy (1), Belle (2), and Princess (3) went straight to the hay when they got there, although Candy and Belle had a bit of a head start on Princess because of the whole traffic jam with Buddy. :D Our handsome boys Joker (4) and Buddy (5) went straight for the water buckets. :D

Pinky (1), Lil’ Miss (2), and Junior (3) enjoying their breakfast. :D

The piglets finished off their breakfast feed quickly this morning, then Pinky (1), Junior (2), and Lil’ Miss (3) went searching for any leftover oatmeal they missed on the floor. :D

Once we finished the chores I went over to check on the herd and decided to give them a couple of scoops of the chafe off the floor where the hay is stored all winter and as you can see Belle (5) was the first one to notice it, come over and dig in. :D It didn’t take Candy (1), Buddy (2), Princess (3) and Joker (4) long to realize what was over here and they joined Belle to enjoy the treat while it lasted. :D

The clouds teasing me with a bit of sunshine.

The cloud cover is dissipating a bit and look the sun is shining through, YAY! :D

Our little herd, Buddy (1), Joker (2), Candy (3), Princess (4), and Belle (5) sunbathing in the pasture this afternoon. :D

Its time to get the herd up to the barn and settled in for the night. :D

Sunset 1.

Sunset 2.

Sunset 3.

Sunset 4.
Well that was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you have/had an awesome day! :D

Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. :D

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