How Does Only One Of Millions Of Sperm Get In?

While there are hundreds of millions of sperm around the egg it still finds a way to allow only one of them. But how does it do it? Is there a sort of door security or something? Or is it about the size of the egg cell? We all had times that weird questions roamed in our heads and this one question was roaming in mine and I made some research. Actually, the egg and the sperm does it together, so they carry out all the operations which are made by hormones depending on each other. Like the two sides of a coin.

Look! That's you right there

Hormones and organs work different in a pregnant woman's body. In the progress of pregnancy, the system has developed special methods to make everything okay like balancing the baby's blood preassure without distorting mother's. Even almost everything in medical science can change if it’s about a pregnant woman as “how does it work?” and “how does it work for a pregnant?”.   

Physiology of Female Body

Femininity is what life itself creates without being interferred. Do you know what that means? If there is no intervention and everything goes natural, the woman(XX) is created.

So, the chromosome “Y” that makes us man(XY) does not present anything and add something to gender. The Y chromosome distrupts the formation and makes us male. Hormones that produce Y chromosome create nothing. All of their names starts with “Anti” and they always block something to create men. So the course of life is actually female.  

        Do you see how messed Y looks? :p

Hormones are produced when having period and this proccess can affect a woman’s perspective for a day, a week and even more than a week, it is very important to be tolerant. Due to this fact it’s significant to know what those hormones are and how they affect women. 

The main hormones are  Estrogen(e), Progesterone(p), Follice-Stimulating Hormone(fsh), Luteinizing Hormone(lh) and Ganodotropin-Relasing Hormone(gnrh). In this cycle, Estrogen is the beginning hormone. Estrogen is a steroid structure  and it is synthesized from cholesterol, it has three different kinds as Estradiol, Estriol and Estrone. 

In the first step in producing Estrogen, the first thing that occurs is Testosterone and this is the last step for men. Estradiol which is  synthesized  from ovarian  and the most powerful serves between 15-49 years. Other ones serve after menopause but they are moderately weaker also they are synthesized from liver. 

We all have immune systems but it works a little different during pregnancy. Your DNA is same in all of your cells and personal proteins are produced. It is just yours and because of this your immune system recognizes it and not kill. When a bacteria gets in your body, your immune system recognizes it from it’s protein and kills it. Half of the DNA of baby comes from the father. I think you know what that means. Yes, it means that your body is going to attack the baby’s cells but to stop that something happens to your immune system and the baby can live 9 months with having different DNA and proteins than yours. 

Impregnation causes immune system collapse and in this proccess, mother loses her immune system and be very weak against diseases. egf(Epidermal growth factor) is what causes this and it is produced after 24-48 hours impregnation. It is understood whetheror not someone is pregnant in 10 days by egf. That egf keeps causing immune system collapse until it gets buried in uterus. 

How Does One Sperm Get In While Others Not? 

Unfortunately sperm is not able for fertilization at the end of production in men. That last phase occurs in female body. Sperm gets the ability of fertilization as going through vagina. A sperm has 3 parts as Head, Middle Piece and Tail. Sperm has weapons on it’s head, those weapon’s duty is melting the barrier. Protease, Acid phosphatase, Neuraminidase, Hyaluronidase, Acrosome and Calpain are the names of those weapons and they all are enzymes. While they melt the barrier of the egg cell, they get their power from Prostate gland.  

When the sperm meets the egg cell, Hyaluronidase tears the outer shell of the egg cell and combine them. Then the other weapons(Acrosome, Neuraminidase, Esterase) take control and melt a part of the egg cell that called “Zona Pellucida”. So the way gets opened and after that the egg has an incredible transfiguration which is hard to see even in a laboratory. The outer shell transformes into an armor that would not be affected by any enyzmes and the egg cell gets fertilized by only one sperm.  

As medicine progresses women are not going to need men to make a child but due to ethics, it’s not expected to happen. Who knows? One day women may want to terminate us and make the world only for women :) 

Image Credits: 1, 2, 3, 4

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