RE: RE: Let's Talk About What We Aren't Supposed To Talk About... Religion!
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RE: Let's Talk About What We Aren't Supposed To Talk About... Religion!

RE: Let's Talk About What We Aren't Supposed To Talk About... Religion!

Hello there Jeff! I have been following you and your work for a few months now, and with great interest I must say. You are doing a great and important job so important in this day and age. And now I have just finished watching your video about RELIGION etc., which I did find (also) very interesting. Before continuing, - let me start by saying that I am a Christian. I believe in the existence of a good GOD and that JESUS died for all my sins on a cross. I also agree with you that RELIGION as such is a lot of nonsense. And therefore I am not a "religious" person,- but a person who has accepted Jesus Christ as my only possible savior. With that said, - I guess several of my Christian friends will not regard me as a "standard" Christian. Much because I am known for saying that Christians some times are the worst people to trust in business for instance. I have myself more than my share of very BAD experiences with Christian brothers in the area of business. A few of them really horrible experiences and the worst one was 5 years ago when, during a much needed vacation, my friends and Christian brothers basically STOLE a multi million dollar business from me! And because of the circumstances and for me special consequences this had for me and some other people i was responsible for, - this was a VERY traumatic experience for me. So traumatic that I was later diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Dysfunction) a condition I have been living with for the past 5 years, - with LOT´s of at times severe pain, - anxiety, - and other health issues. The point of my story is that this has been so bad that there is more then enough reason for me turn my back to God and everyone "Christian". I have myself often had thoughts of taking my own life, - of not wanting to continue to live etc. But,- if there is ONE good thing that came out of this so far, - it is that I found myself in a much more DIRECT connection and communication with God. I realized that I CAN NOT base my faith and relationship with HIM on some weak stupid human beings. All of whom are SINNERS, - myself included! I remember a video you made several weeks ago where you stated something like this: "The more I researched the facts of what is going on in this world of ours, - the more I realized how incredibly EVIL the world is, - how EVIL the people are who are the real people in POWER behind the governments etc. etc. And when realizing this,- I also started to think, - with this MUCH EVIL in the world,- there must be a source for for this. And there then also much be a source of GOOD (the opposite) which made me start looking into if there is a GOD etc. etc." I am not sure if this is a correct description of what you said, - but it is pretty close. For me,- the "sources" we are talking about here is SATAN (Evil) and GOD (Good). As human beings we are all (Christian or not) influenced by both of these sources on a daily basis. And we do have a choice when it comes to which source we allow to influence us the most. So start praying to God! The only source for GOOD! And then finally, - I also remember you said something like perhaps the creation of BITCOIN and the blockchain technology was a creation coming from God to give us another chance for FREEDOM and for doing some good in this evil world of ours. YES! I could not agree more with you Jeff! God bless you and your great work!

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