And Today When I Was Thinking About The Meaning Of Life..!!

Today, when I was thinking about the meaning of life, I sat down to write.
Basically, writing is what all I do when I feel all messed up or unable to understand what life is trying to teach at the moment. This time also I decided to pen it all down to make it a little easier for me. ;)

What Is Life?

Life is something which is quite unpredictable. I think this particular term called "Life" has no definite meaning. Life is something which cannot be explained, which is something to be naturally understood and which we still fail to understand many times. We may plan something else and end up encountering a totally different scenario. We have to leave the ones we love, love the ones we never knew, forget the past, move on, start a new life, struggle all again and etc..etc..

Talking about me, the more I try to understand life and go deeper in it, the more I get bewildered. Sometimes it feels all good like there is nothing to worry in the world and sometimes a cluster of unfound emotions surrounds us completely. When we are happy and satisfied with life, we start taking things a little granted. And as soon as we feel like nothing is going our way, we start taking things too seriously.

We know deep inside that peace is all what matters, but still run badly after accumulating the materialistic things. Well, looking at this matter from the other perspective, I realize that we are not wrong. Because in this world of growing competitions and rapid races, there are rare people who wants to know you or understand you from all their heart until and unless you own all the luxuries of life.

Today, when I was thinking about life and the meaning, I got to realize one thing. We are sent on this Earth by the Almighty surely for a reason. We are here to fulfill some purpose. Getting close to that purpose is not easy and well not impossible too. I realized that when we'll know about our purpose on Earth, we'll then never let ourselves get disappointed for any reason.

I realized one more thing. No matter how tough times get, we have to live anyway and that too with strong determination and will, then only we will be able to make our life journey successful and meaningful. The irony is we all know deep down inside what is good, what is bad, how to live, how to work hard, how to have self-control and still we waste a lot of time thinking about all these things and doing nothing.

Every minute and every second of our life is precious to the extent we can never imagine. Without wasting a single second, we should put all our soul in reaching our goal. When we'll reach a goal in life, learn about our purpose in life, then no matter how many obstacles come our way, we'll look at them as an opportunity and will move ahead confidently and happily always.

Hope you all enjoyed the post..

Much Love<3<3<3

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