Stephen Hawking, Death of the 'God-killer'

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The influential physicist of the 21st century, Stephen Hawking, always comes up with brilliant thoughts but at the same time becomes controversial, thereby creating a universal commotion. But this time, the noise came from one news: The 'God-killer' was dead.

The man is frail but has the brightest mind in the contemporary science cakralawa because his insights form modern cosmology and inspire a global audience, has died at the age of 76 years.

His family claimed, Hawking died on Wednesday morning March 14, 2018 at his home, Cambridge, England.

We grieve deeply. Our beloved father passed away today. according to a statement with three Hawking children, Lucy, Robert, and Tim, as reported by The Guardian.

He is a great scientist and a wonderful person. He made works and legacies for millions of people for many years to come. Hopefully, his brilliant thoughts and humor continue to inspire people, for the sake of progress and peace.

Hawking Controversy

Hawking, for the layman, is known as the figure that explains popularly what is "black hole" and radiation emitted from the medium - known as "Hawking Radiation".

All his arguments about cosmology and physics, leads to his famous thesis of no place for God in the universe.

The conclusion, making Hawking included in a row of great world thinkers who are considered to promote atheism. Before Hawking, the same predicate was first attached to the German philosopher and philologist Friedrich Nietzsche.

God doesn't exist. Therefore, there is no God in the formation of the universe. God, didn't create this nature, "writes Hawking in the opening of a book he wrote with Leonard Mlodinow, "The Grand Design" (2010).

The book soon became a hot conversation among scientists. Not only that, it is also a target of criticism of people who consider Hawking to blaspheme religious beliefs.

However, Hawking in his history does not directly have the conclusion that God does not exist.

In a book that orbits his name among the layman, "A Brief History of Time" (1988), Hawking still seems to have room for God in his thinking about the formation of space and time of the universe.

If we find a complete theory, it should, in time, be widely understood by everyone, not just some scientists. Then all of us, philosophers, scientists, and ordinary people can participate in the discussion of the question of why we and the universe exist. If we find the answer, it will be the ultimate triumph of human reason-because then we will know the mind of God, "he wrote as the opening of the book.

So what made Hawking finally negate God's role in the universe?

Because there is a law like gravity, the universe can and will create itself from scratch, "he writes in" The Grand Design. "Spontaneity, as Hawking speculates about the reason why" there is something from what was "nothing" universe.

Creation that is spontaneous is the reason why there is something and nothing, why the universe exists, why do we exist? There is no need to ask God to create a blueprint and set up this universe.

However, all of Hawking's controversy about God and the universe's matter is actually aimed at unlimited love for mankind.

Once father said: the universe is widespread, if there is no place for your loved ones. (Said her daughter, Lucy.)

Overcoming Limitations

To fellow scientists and loved ones, Hawking is known as a person who has a sarcastic intuition and sarcastic sense of humor.

Through humor, Hawking once admitted to wanting to show the human mind is infinite. Nor can he be limited by the physical disability he experiences.

Hawking, while still a student in 1963-was then 21 years old-had been diagnosed with symptoms of amiotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which would have made him lose almost all of his neuromuscular control.

In 1974, he was unable to eat or wake himself. His voice became unclear, so that only those who knew him knew it well.

In 1985, he contracted pneumonia and had to do a tracheostomy, so he could not speak at all.

A Cambridge scientist created a tool that could help Hawking write what he wanted to say on a computer, then be pronounced through a "voice synthesizer".

Doctors predict Hawking will not live long. But, he was able to refute the doctor's judgment and live until before Wednesday, March 14, 2018 this.

Those who live in the shadow of death, are often the ones who live the most, Hawking said in his biography.

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