The original Colonization of this Planet by the Initiates from Other Worlds

While there is ample evidence to support the concept that there were highly skilled, as well as technologically advanced civilizations on Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago, we would have to go back a long way, into the millions of years, before coming close to the original colonization of this planet by the initiates from other worlds.

A lot of preparatory work had to be carried out over a long period of time. This included amongst many things, the seeding of the soil with plant life that would survive under prevailing conditions. The introduction of various forms of animate life which would be expected to live off the available vegetation, and much later when the garden was prepared, man was to be introduced to his beautiful lush garden world.

So many of these islands that were a long time ago covered with glorious forest and shrub, interspersed with crystal clear creeks flowing from mountain ranges into beautiful wide rivers, are today vast barren deserts. No longer are the myriads of birds and animal or cities and villages teaming with happy people. All is silent, save for the sound of the wind and the ever shifting sand dunes.


Nature has not done this; not all of it anyway. We find great craters gouged out by some terrible force.

We find huge rocks fused together by heat so intense, that until 1945 when we commenced our mechanical experiments with cosmic forces, we had no clues at all, as to how this could have been accomplished.

Every trail we take in our investigations, our search for a cause, seems to lead to a word that stands out more clearly than all the others, it is MAN. Dare we go forward in time and have a look at what the future has to offer us? Surely man has learned a little from his past experiences. Surely.

Let’s take a quick glimpse not far into the future, just a little way. We stare in amazement, sorrow showing on our face. O God, no not again. There must be some mistake. Yes, indeed, there was a mistake, a seemingly small mistake so start with, but in a very short time; O God! This must be a replay from the distant past, we say. It just cannot happen.

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