Earth was brought into being for the purpose of supplying necessary environmental conditions for the non-thinking.

Each world is created for a reason, and this small planet is no exception. From what we have been able to determine, Earth was brought into being for the purpose of supplying necessary environmental conditions for the non-thinking. In other words, an education through experience, for a group of new-souls, as well as other beings who might be introduced from time to time, as the necessity arose.

Wise parents do not throw babies into the forest and leave them to learn how to survive without tuition or guidance. So, it was that throughout the entire history of Earth, the administrators were kept informed of each development, as well as the progress of regression of each species. The little planet was kept under surveillance at all times by teachers, advisers, and those well skilled in all aspects of building cultures, growing and preparation of foods, clothing etc. They came in crafts from other worlds.

Some stayed for long periods of time, assisting in the establishment of communities, townships, cities, and advanced civilizations. Earth man was given freewill to choose his own pattern of development, to choose his own way of life. He was often given certain clues on how to go about doing things, and then left for a while, allowing him to cope with his own ingenuity. He was shown how to utilize the universal forces for the purpose of lifting enormous building blocks of stone, so that he might construct great buildings, and to propel his ships on the water to transport cargo and passengers from land to land.

He developed machines to fly through the air, and eventually to neighboring planets of this solar system. Man was advancing scientific achievements and technology more rapidly than he was morally and spiritually able to handle. He became greedy in his desire for material gain. This inevitably led to wars, where the stronger would over-throw the weaker, invade his lands and take his possessions.

Other forms of degradation in various ages lead to deformities, as well as the mutation of certain species that progressed to the stage where it is apparent that the Galactic Administrators (the Gods of legend) came to a decision that it would be better to wipe out a certain area, or race, than let the disease spread world-wide.

So it is that today, we can find ample legendary and archeological evidence in support of the concept that vast areas of Earth were on several occasions wiped out by cataclysmic and often catastrophic events. Also, it is almost certain that man could have “triggered-off” some of these cataclysms by his release of nuclear energy.

Ancient Sanskrit writings of India describe in detail the terrible effects of these nuclear weapons; as also does the Bible (though less descriptive) in its account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, to prevent the spreading of degradation and disease.

There are today, many places on Earth where one may still see what must surely be solid evidential proof that some form of nuclear weapon was used a very long time ago. In Death Valley (U.S.A.), in Scotland, in Ireland, and possibly in buildings, walls, and fortresses that have been melted and fused together by heat so intense nothing short of a nuclear bomb could have caused it.

In the Gobi Desert of Siberia, and in the deserts of Central Australia, are to be found numerous tektites, which are globules of a molten glass like substance created by the melting and fusing of sand and stone from the local area, which rules out any suggestion that they are meteorites from space.

Scattered around this planet are also several craters which do not appear to have been caused by the impact of large meteorites and are certainly not of volcanic origin.

The old saying, “Truth is stranger than fiction,” is a very true statement indeed, and certainly applies to the pre-history of this planet. In fact, the farther back we go, and the deeper we delve into the apparent mysteries of the very ancient past, the more fantastic, and to many people, unbelievable is the evidence.

Tragically, so many of us, living in an age of remarkably rapid growth in science and technology, where we have already reached the point where we would in a few brief moments destroy almost everything we have created, tend to think that only a few thousand years ago, our ancestors were swinging from tree to tree, and using sharpened bones and sticks as their “tools of trade.”

To a certain degree this would be true, for after each series of cataclysms there were some survivors, who on finding their entire civilization destroyed, either by nuclear holocaust, and subsequent vast earth-quakes, tidal waves, etc., would wander about in search of food and shelter, congregating in small groups, before finally settling down in a new area to start over again.

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