It's not yet too late


We live in Philippines where the minimum wage isn't enough to cover all of our monthly expenses. Ever since I was born, my Father have been already working abroad to sustain our needs. My mother and my grandmother raised me along with my 3 siblings of which is I am the youngest. I didn't have many friends growing up. I considered my self as an ambivert. I grew up without my father beside me. Although he made sure that he goes home during an important celebration or emergency, but still, It is hard growing up not to be around with your father all the time.

When I was 12 years old, my mother also decided to go abroad since me and my siblings are growing up, which means that there will be an increase in monthly allowance and payments. Because of this, I found myself living a luxurious life. To the point that I eat at fast food restaurants almost everyday. I really thought that we were rich and that it's easy to make money.

That all changed. One night, I sneaked in my parents' bedroom to borrow my father's earphones. I looked everywhere buy I couldn't find it. I decided to rest for a minute and sit beside them. I looked at them closely. I realized that they were getting old. I never noticed the wrinkles on their skin. The callous on their hands. I saw them sleeping so peacefully, and I can see the tiredness looks in their faces.

After that night, my perspective of life changed. I start to enjoy every little thing and spend time with my family. I am trying my best to understand them and lessen their burden as possible. And up to this day, I am still going to continue to do this especially my father is going to retire next year.

Thank you for listening steemians!

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