18 things which you shouldn’t be afraid of in life

Today I’ll give a list of 18 things which you shouldn’t be afraid of in life. I honestly think that these are enough so that you can make an idea of what fear illusions are all about. So, let’s not waste any more time and let’s cut to the chase:

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1. Fear of failing.

Fear of failing is quite a common issue. Unfortunately most of those who tried and failed in achieving something, have given up in trying again. That is, they didn’t tried a second time. The fear of failing again has made them lose any burst left in them. Failure, for them, was not a test or a life lesson which can teach them something for the future, it only was a restriction.

If you want to enjoy happy stuff, until you reach them, you first need to suffer a little. This is what life is all about! Apart from milk and honey, you also bump into not so pleasant things.

2. Lack of knowledge.

If you don’t succeed in a certain field, initially this may represent a real obstacle. But don’t forget that you’re only human. You don’t have to be afraid. You can’t know everything. As people say: We live and we learn. Lack of knowledge is not a reason to be afraid. You can achieve knowledge in time. So show interest and be patient, be calm and moderate.

3. New approaches.

When you have to try something new ( better said when you need to differently approach things), in your mind there’s a totally inexplicable thing going on. A part of you tells you to go for it, another one tells you to give up. You feel a little scared. New challenges scare you and this is quite normal.

But why should you feel scared? A challenge, a new approach can also bring many benefits. Why think that only bad things can happen to you? New approaches can bring some benefits that you didn’t even thought about.

4. Others’ judging.

A famous quote of Albert Einstein said: “Giant people have always bumped into mediocre critique.” This means that no matter how good you are or no matter how well you’ll treat others, sooner or later, you’ll still be judged. There isn’t a single man on this earth who hasn’t been judged. So, fear of others’ mean comments in respect to you, is useless. Mean judgments will always exist, no matter how much you’ll try to block them out.

5. Fear of responsibility.

Yes, now this is fear! Many deal with it, actually. There are many people who are simply scared of responsibility. The best example is when one makes a mistake and another one suffers the consequences – so the guilt is passed over on somebody else. This is what happens when you’re a coward and you’re afraid of assuming what you did. You run, no matter what, of responsibilities and you prefer to turn it in some way or another, without even considering the consequences.

If you get scared of what you’re doing, and moreover you pass the guilt on another, this means that you completely lack of dignity. If you are not dignified, this means that you have no quality whatsoever.

6. People’s threats who wish you harm.

There are a bunch of stuff which you shouldn’t be afraid of. For instance, threat. Actually, what benefits getting scared brings along? Do you solve something? Being scared only aggravates things even more. When you’re terrified, you become more vulnerable. This is the moment when you expose yourself to being attacked. And this is definitely not good for you. The best advice, in such circumstances, would be to not get revenge (don’t react in the same way in which you got attacked).

7. Aging.

Here we can talk about death: both lead to the same thing. Being afraid of getting old it’s like saying that you’re afraid of living. Which is completely absurd. Never be afraid of getting old. Either way, none of us acquit of it. So don’t worry. And by the way, I almost forgot: never regret the fact that you got old, but regret if you haven’t left nothing good behind. An author once said: “ Aging starts when you begin to be afraid of it”. So what are we talking about here?

8. Fear of not making a fool of yourself.

Here we are talking about the case where you fear of not making yourself well understood. I’m not saying that this frequently happens, but most likely all of us have been there. So what can you do? Well things are pretty easy to handle with: try to overthink things before any word comes out of your mouth. Do you think this is hard at all?

9. Deadlines.

Many times we feel that we have no more time in our hands to finish what we need to do. And this definitely makes us older: I can even add that it scares us. The high tide is that the real cause which leads to this issue is not time, but being scared in that particular moment. Well, my little friends, what point is it in wasting time with being scared, when we can think in that moment, of a wise solution which can help us win more time…

10. Rootless accusations.

Fear of being unfairly accused is quite a common issue. Either way, you should know that you can’t make a person think different than he wants to. Even when you put the proof under his nose… He can keep on defending out and loud that things can never be as you paint them. And now you tell me, what can you do to such a fool? Just let him be? Yeah, this could definitely work. As long as you know you’re right, you can leave him alone. Never be afraid of rootless threats and accusations. Especially when you’re 100% right.

11. What other people think.

It’s quite difficult to change a preconceived idea, it’s not easy to make other people like you. But there’s no harm in trying. You’ll not completely succeed, but for sure you’ll do something good for you. What would it be like to get terrified and become introvert just because you feel that everybody hates you? For sure you’d make a huge mistake. Life is made to fully live it. This is the first thought to wake up to each morning.

12. Work.

Never be afraid of work! It’s not about the fact that work elevates you (whoever said this was either too melancholic, or he saw work only through the perspective of what he was doing in that particular moment), work, basically, is a conscious action which you make in order to fulfill your needs (for instance, the lack of a good social state). By working, you earn money. And money can give you the so needed balance.
Speaking of work, by grandpa had a very funny saying: “If you pass by a neighbor’s house and you see him eat, start a talk with him, ‘cause your mouth won’t hurt if you do! If you see him work… run away, ‘cause your feet won’t hurt!”

13. Fear of getting love sick.

“What shall I do if he breaks up with me? Who’s gonna even look at me?” I gave an example with two very common questions from our lives- questions which you most likely already asked yourself or maybe not yet… But should you be afraid of getting dumped? Be serious, man! You think this life is all about perfection? Take it as it is and make the best out of it. Or start it over! What’s the problem?

14. Rotten luck.

You must’ve heard this one: “I’m not going for it ‘cause I’m usually out of luck!” No matter what you’ll say, I can never agree with someone who’s not going for it just because he’s under the impression that bad luck is following him. It’s such a foolish thing to believe in bad luck!

15. Competition.

Well, the thing with competition is serious business. Many strong fights have been carried on in this context. Fear of competition should be valid only when you fully respect your competition and you’re willing to do your best so that you don’t get eliminated from the top 10. The type of fear that motivates you to put in all your effort is the most benefic one. As such, always motivate yourself on competition, and don’t get scared of it ‘cause otherwise you’ll be left out!

16. Fear of darkness.

Why should you be afraid of the dark? Just because you’re out of electric power? You shiver just because you don’t have an available light source? Come on, man, be serious! Thousands of generations, who lived before you weren’t even planned, have very well survived in the dark, all the nights of their lives, without one single light source. The secret is to stay calm. Your eyes will rapidly adapt to the situation.

17. Fear of the dentist.

A general question: “Who isn’t afraid of the dentist?” The answer, in most cases, is : ”Everybody is afraid!” The general idea would be that, in the past, the fear of dentist was really valid – I’m saying this in reference to the generations who lived hundreds of years ago (when a dentist was not even close to what he is nowadays). Tell me, do you have any idea how teeth were extracted 500 years ago? Perhaps with a local anesthesia? “Yeah, right!” Weren’t you even thinking of asking your dentist for some wet wipes?

18. Fear of animals.

Honestly speaking, I, myself, also dealt with this fear, precisely the one of dogs. I had quite an unpleasant experience in my childhood: I was on my evening way back home, from school, complete darkness, tough winter and as I was walking towards my home ( I had some 2 km of walking) a street dog bit me without even making one sound. I didn’t hear him and didn’t even felt him coming after me. He just popped out in front of me, from a backyard or something like this, he bit me, coming from the back of my leg and he just vanished. “Well done, mate! Good job!”, I thought.

And this is how the fear of dogs haunted me until I was all grown up and I studied a little the whole phenomenon. The thing is that you can’t do nothing with an intelligent dog that bites you as that one who bit me…but staring straight into his eyes, you can defend yourself (you can see his moves): you can flee, you can protect yourself with something, you can run. Therefore, if you get scared, you’ll worsen things even more. When you’re afraid, a dog can feel this and this is how he becomes even more aggressive. If you stare him in the eyes meanly and you even act like you’re picking something from the ground to hit him, you can be sure that he’ll run like the wind. You can also cast him out and it’s something. Fear, in this case, will only bring you misery. Try to think at momentary solutions. It wouldn’t hurt to even make up a scenario on how would you react if you were to deal with such a situation.

The conclusion of what we mentioned earlier is that man, in order to surpass life’s issues, has to adapt to any challenge. You should know that fear is an emotional disturbance which can be controlled. So, you can control your own feelings! The only one responsible with figuring out solutions is you. So, be brave and moderate, and the fears from your life will simply be long forgotten.

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