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Hello great steemians...... Am sure we are having a good day today. I will like to share my experience and the revelation I got from the movie titled Miracle from Heaven with us.

I know some of us might have seen the movie before but never take to heart the rhema the movie is preaching, while some of us might have not even come across the title of the movie but I will advice we get and see it.

Honestly I broke into tears when it got to a point I couldn't hold them back because the movie got me thinking about life and God and even trigger my faith in God.

Miracles are unexplainable events or situations that triggers the supernatural to become unbelievable . They happened when we least expect and even loss hope and faith. Miracles has been in existence since the day of our Lord Jesus Christ and it still happening till today because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, He changeth not!

Miracle happens everywhere and everytime but they happened when not expected so we can buckle and double up our faith in Christ. But you know what? Our God is a God of grace that never deal with us according to our deeds to him. He always showeth mercy to show His supremacy over all.

I discovered in the movie that there are some situations of life and event that bring us closer to God, trigger our faith to action and even make us to do the unusual, (ie what we have never done before). The mother of the girl in the movie never believe the power of prayer and faith in God, but it got to a point she bursted into tears and prayer for her little girl to be recovered.

Exactly the same way we pass through somethings in life and forget the power of prayer and faith we tend to lean on our wisdom and understanding, God decided to allow the woman to do all she could do in her power so he can prove to her Him alone has the power to save and recover. The same way God allow us sometimes to do all in our power so we can come back to him.

My Mum is a living testimony of miracle and am glad to share it with you that she should have been dead lastyear but God showed up after all hope was lost.

I was in school when I was called she has been rushed to the hospital almost dead, series of test was conducted amounting to 150,000 plus before they discovered she had a growing tumor with pulse attached to her intestines and it's has grown to the stage of bursting so an operation need to be done on her to remove it before it burst and destroy her intestines.

My dad has been giving paper to sign for 50/50 deal because the doctor said she might survived or not. Haa! So what is the essence of conducting the operation if she's not going to survive it? My people I never knew I could pray and wake up at midnight and asked God to cancel the operation. I traveled home to meet my younger ones so we could pray together. Even the least of us prayed a sincere prayer, we cried, wake up at night to engage, before the set day of operation. Eventhough our prayer seems not answering our faith was still intact because we were expecting miracle, two days to the set day of operation, God showed up.

She got up and said she want to go home that she's fine. Series of test was conducted and nothing was found, and since then, she had been living healthy.

My Mum and I on her thanksgiving day two weeks after her recovery
( The picture was taken with my TechnoPP7E-DLA1)

We are a product of miracle and we believe in it so much but I came to discovered that we pray fervently only when we have serious issues which is not suppose to be so. God said in Ephesians 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. we have to pray ahead of evil times and we should always make our faith to be intact in all things.


You can share your miracle experience to encourage a soul in the comment box.

Thanks for you time. I love you so much

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