Sometime we seems to forget that we are created just the way we are for a purpose and a reason, we seems to forget that humanly speaking no one will appreciate you or make you happy like you yourself.

In lieu of this, we fake our living and our normal self trying so hard to be what will are not, trying so hard to be who will are not, trying so hard to meet up the standard of another person, trying so hard to listen to what people say about us so we can do as we've been told.

But have you checked it that God has created you uniquely without replica so you can stand out among you specie and mate? That is the reason you must not give room for what people call you or name you to be to spoil your mood.


No matter what other think or say about you, no matter the name they call you or the label they give you, Be Yourself! Make yourself happy! Never try to copy or fake things, besides an original is always worth more than a copy and fake. Be yourself and never try to copy anyone to become fake. When you are yourself, then your are entitled to life happiness.

Goodmorning my steemians.......Have a favourably day ahead.

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