Death! The name of a ruthless, difficult reality! Nobody can run away from it.

Death! The name of a ruthless, difficult reality! Nobody can run away from it, whether he is a Miskin or a wealthy at all times. Death can be present at any age, before any human, at any time!

Death, a guest who does not come to the door, there is no animal in the world to give him back!
In this context Allah Almighty said:
"Wherever you are, death will reach you! Even in a very strong fortress. "
[Surah Nisa (4), verse 78]

Today, one of my school teachers (Abdul Karim Sir) remembers some of the sad words, even though he has left us and passed away almost an era! In High School Life, he used to teach our agricultural education and Islam classes. For the purpose of students once
Sir Rahimahullah said, "Look, fatherKeep the life of this world alive in your heart, as long as the water holds a boat floating in the sea! If you do the opposite, the world's mahou ate your heart completely, then know that you will be like a boat that will be submerged beneath the ocean once the water is more water. "
I do not understand so many heavy words that have happened at a very old age, but I have not been able to understand it today, this is the real reality!

Dear prophet Muhammad Rasulullah said:
"Live in the world so that you are a stranger or a traveler!" That is, in the meantime, there is a little rest under a tree
Again moving towards their destination!
[Sahih Bukhari: 6416, Tirmidhi: 2333]

Regrettably! What's unforeseen and what's the wayfarer!
We are just too late!
Finding wealth, car, women and the nest of peace! These are the sharp arrows in our eyes!

Wonder! In spite of extreme reality, living in a heartless way, I have kept busy in the chat! The amount of that mountain, despite the ocean of sin, I still take the world away from hereafter!
Regarding this, Allah Almighty warns -
"Say," The death from which you are fleeing will surely face you, then you will appear before the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible, and He will inform you of all that you have done. "
[Surah Al-Jumu'ah, verse 08]

The last thing - since you are still alive, your breathing is still running, so do not be late and promise to be firm on the Hereafter right now!
God will give us all the chance to live a life of the Hereafter --- Amin


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