The Most Lovely Gang

Let Them Live Where They Are Born...

We have a great motivation with my son for the evening walks.
Our friends, a pack of six dogs with their leader is living at a park near my house.

Municipality did a great job here.
As standard procedure, they collect the dogs, sterilize them, vaccinate them, put a tag on their ears and leave them to the place they caugt them.


Now they belong to everybody living in the neighbourhood.

They live free where they are born.

This is much more merciful than collecting them and putting them in the prisons called "shelters".

This is not all, they also have the misson to feed them and supply water regularly.
It is the best feeling to see, at least some of our taxes are spent on good causes.

Our Story

It was our evening walks, 3 months ago, where we first met the members of the pack.
The first one was a brown dog with "eyes that have seen many"

An instant friend.

Following days, we started carrying dog food with us.
That was the night we met with the whole pack.

The Leader

My son and the leader got immidiately friends with each other.
Such a big dog and such gentle.

Feed him with your hands and you can feel the kindness in his moves not to accidentaly hurt your hand.
Unexpected behaviour from a stray-born.

The Pack

When you get in them ,you start to realize the different characters of each pack member.
We got a joker, jumping on you to take the attention, the cautious watching you from a distance, the bold looking directly in your eyes, the shaky, shaking every bone in his body as a show of submission.

It is priceless to see how they run to you at the moment they see you coming.
Accepting you as a friend with complete trust.

We have evolved from the wrong species!

With humans, I have seen alot.
All kinds of betrayal...

I have seen how the victims turn into tyrants once they have the power in their hands.

I believe we have evolved from the wrong species.


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