The English Language vs Street Slang - SELF-EXPRESSION : )

SELF-EXPRESSION - what is it? Well, I try to use both the English language and street slang in my writing, as not to do so, in my view, devalues the purpose of self-expression, which denies the people of opportunities to express and release fear, doubt, failure, excitement and happiness, in an individualistic and unique way. How we choose to express these emotions, I would argue, should have nothing to do with a person’s character, but everything to do with expressions that are real, honest and truthful. Unlike people who are monotoned and motionless and do not give anything away, the like that reveals nothing about who they are, their thoughts or feelings.

Have you every come across people who when they look at you it’s like looking into the face of a robot? Their mouths move but there is no sign that anyone is at home! These are the people I’m talking about. Sometimes we instinctively know they’re faking it till they make it, using polite language and making promises that they know they will not keep. Have you come across people like that?

On the other hand...

we meet people on the street who’ve been through real life gut wrenching stomach churning stuff, struggling to make a living, losing their homes, homeless, bankrupt, desperate or suffered the loss of someone they love. They are not going to use polite and friendly language to express their thoughts and feelings are they? NO WAY! I know people that curse, swear and use body language to self-express feelings with language more synonymous with street vernacular, another word for street slang than use the English language of a class of people that think being respectful and careful with words so not to offend. I would ask, who are you offending? I believe sincerity and a bit of vulnerability can open a dialogue of shared interests and experiences that would otherwise be forced and pretentious. Raise your hands if you’ve come across people like that!

There have been many occasions when during conversations with people I’ve met, being spiritual and open, it was difficult to engage in authentic discussion. And you could tell there was a mismatch of thoughts and feelings that did not allow for an honest connection. I’d force a polite smile and make some excuse to walk on by and look for the crowd of people that are loud and obnoxious, at least you know what you’re in for! Then look on as the polite phoney fakers turn their nose up and walk away from the noisy crowd, muttering under their breathes, throwing daggers in our direction acting superior and all that – could you imagine how that can infuriate some people?

But that’s o.k, because I understand not everyone is open to airing their dirty laundry in public, I can tell it like it is and will use words and language to get my point across, but that’s just me. Some people are offended by words that are unfamiliar, and when it’s unfamiliar and not expressed in a proper and politically correct manner, they will find ways to categorise and ostracise you based on your choice of words to self-express how YOU feel. That can’t be right. We’re suppose to be living in a democracy where it would appear free speech is an ideal, not the norm. It occurred to me if self-expression was the norm, there would be a lot less people on psychiatric wards, on anti-depressants and get this - in marriages or partnerships that’s been over years ago but cannot admit it. Oooh… : ) or, ☹..I’ll let you decide what group you belong to.

The English language has its place, but street vernacular or street slang whatever you want to call it also has its place, and if you ask me how I feel about the whole thing, I can tell you I have tons of fun mixing the two in my writing! By using street slang in my writing would you say is a true representation of my character? No, I believe writing is like art; it’s creative, imaginative, colourful and mystical, and can also be dark, destructive, moody and comical. It takes imagination to be creative.

Saying what you think and meaning it without edit can make some people uncomfortable and piss them off. Sitting in meetings and watching how people become offended when challenged with the truth of who they are, often amazed me. Why can’t we admit the truth? Why is it so hard for people to admit their flaws, or accept how they see themselves is not how others perceive who they are? What is this barrier that exists between the truth of who we think we are, and the REAL TRUTH? Can anyone answer that question?

The one who will swear and tell you in no uncertain terms of what he or she thinks of you has my vote for honesty and integrity any day. The language may not be polite or respectful, but you’ll know what side of the bread has been buttered. And there are those that will use words in the English language, that if you understood their meaning, it would be equivalent or as hurtful when expressed than any street slang with the use of profanities mind, could ever do. So why are some people offended by street slang? Could it be class snobbery, or ignorance? Or is it both? I don’t have the answers although it’s obvious there’s a class race or some kinda war going on. One fighting to be politically correct and proper, the other couldn’t give a fuck about being proper and politically correct! You get my Drift!

To be honest, I know what side of the fence I’d like to be on, SELF EXPRESSION that is unedited, uncensored and ungoverned by an English language that restricts, confine and undermine our ability to know and own the truth of how we see it, feel it and sense it. What’s up? What’s so difficult about that!

In my opinion:-






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