No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!

When helping others can come back to haunt you.

You ever go that extra mile to help someone?  They are in  a jam and desperately need help and you are the first one they call. 

Of course being the kind hearted person you are, you jump up, forefront and center to help them with their problem. I mean how hard can it be right. 

Something as simple as to going up to their trailer that they had to leave in a hurry and put their awning in so it won't get damaged. 

Sounds simple right?  WRONG!

You get there, you do all the neccesary things to bring it in and something goes wrong. An arm won't move in order to put it up. So now what? 

You play with it, try to move it, it just won't give. How do you get a seized or broken bar to unstick or slide? Good question, had it been my trailer I could have forced it but you know you simply can't do that in case you make it worse. 

What do you do? Call the owner and explain that one side of the canopy is not working. 

This is when you hear them on the other side starting to get upset, you know they are going to blame you for it.  Their tone changes and then they say "well we trusted you to do it because we thought you knew how to". They ask a lot of questions AFTER the fact to see if you know what you are doing, basicaly trying to figure out if they are going to blame you and try to make you pay for it to be repaired. 

Trusted me? Really you have known me for 6 months and I have never done this before. Seen it done many times, even youtubed it, I did it all correctly and it wasn't my fault that it was stuck.  It is a 20 year old trailer and things are bound to go wrong. 

I get told to remove the arms from the trailer and bring the awning up, secure the legs so they don't damage the trailer. Ok done!

Now it is the waiting game for 2 weeks for them to go back up to it and see what I did and wait for the fireworks. 

So I will wait and hope that they will not blame me for this happening. I will keep my fingers crossed it goes better than I am expecting and will let you all know, BUT if you don't hear back from me, I may be in hiding. Lol

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