Dusk on Kalong Island and thousands of bats who graced the sky

Large Flying Fox Island is still part of the Komodo National Park. The island of large Flying Fox bat wildlife nesting spots where we could enjoy it at sunset. We are a cluster of small islands in the Komodo National Park area has its own panoramic each has specificity will be a diversity of flora or fauna.

Large Flying Fox Island, one of the destinations of tourists and to see thousands of bats fly from its resting place and coloring the sky towards the Mainland Flores Island at sunset about 6 o'clock in the 90s WITA. Make sure the ship is pulled over to the side where the sun sets before our eyes and the beauty of the creator's power will soon be seen, when the orange light from the Sun twilight lit up the sky thousands of bats as peculiar bat flying this sura while issued a thundering voice.

********Bahasa Indonesia*********

Pulau Kalong masih bagian dari kawasan Taman Nasional Komodo. Pulau Kalong tempat bersarang satwa kelelawar dimana kita bisa menikmatinya saat matahari terbenam. Kita Gugusan pulau-pulau kecil yang masuk ke dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Komodo memiliki panorama tersendiri yang masing-masing memiliki kekhasan akan keanekaragaman flora atau fauna.

Pulau kalong, salah satu tujuan wisatawan dan untuk melihat ribuan kelelawar terbang dari peraduannya dan mewarnai langit menuju daratan Pulau Flores saat matahari terbenam sekita pukul 6-an WITA. Pastikan kapal menepi ke sisi di mana matahari terbenam di depan mata kita dan keindahan kekuasan Sang Pencipta pun akan segera disaksikan, saat cahaya jingga dari matahari senja menerangi langit ribuan kelelawar dengn sura khas kelelawar ini terbang sambil mengeluarkan suara yang gemuruh.

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