On Sentiment

When someone asks you:

"Are you going to be OK?"

What they really mean is, Please release me from any concern that my action or lack of action is adversely effecting you.

We toss about sentiment like armor. Of course, it's decorated in all manner of regalia insisting on care, meaning, "goodness" etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. But at the end of the day, we are all completely self serving. Even being on the side of white light, is all about feeling good about ourselves, i.e. self serving.

Really that's just fine. It is OK to be self serving, especially if it works towards the idea that the more of us doing well, the more we all do well. Instead we're wrapped up in this crazy dance of serving ourselves while making sure that we are experienced as a "good person" who isn't serving themselves too much over others. Because goodness knows that we are ALL ready to fault someone else at the drop of a hat for cutting in line, being rude or downright mean, being selfish, etc. etc. ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

Have a lovely flippin' day!

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