
Please, do something positive today.

There is so much hate, so much bitterness, so much loss & lack in the world, that you, yes, YOU can be a super hero by simply doing something positive today.

Whenever I'm in public (which I hate) and I notice something that appeals to me, I make sure to tell the people involved.
"I like the way you did your hair today."
"That's such a cool Wolverine T-shirt!"

Don't wait for a response. Don't expect anything in return. In fact it is best if you deliver the compliment or comment with a smile, immediately continuing on with whatever you were previously doing.

Because our world is so bereft of selfless gifts, you will be a super hero.

There are some style points that I feel I must make:

  1. Don't expect anything in return. You will only find pain and loss.

  2. Don't dote. Many people are not often comfortable with compliments, thus my preference for hit & run compliments. You are likely to foul the whole thing up if you try for any connection or further involvement. Let the other person instigate additional contact - but don't wait for it! Just deliver HONEST, genuine notification of appreciation and BAIL. Otherwise you'll mess it up!

  3. Don't focus on physical beauty. A great way to make someone feel uncomfortable is to tell them how attractive they are. Especially if you linger on it. A person can choose the clothes they wear, however, we are born with the faces we inhabit. If you find me attractive (which I'm not - this is an example, M'kay?) then by telling me as much and standing there staring at me or just savoring my beauty - is pretty selfish! I'm not a flipping painting, OK? Lingering on YOUR enjoyment of another's physicality is creepy. Therefore it is much better to focus on "That outfit you selected" or "The way you helped that person with their heavy groceries" Don't just get high on someone's looks.

  4. Complimenting the actions of others is, imho, much more beneficial to the general good than acknowledging simple appearances. Granted, appearances are the low hanging fruit of compliments, yet, dressing up requires money to buy nice clothes and not everyone is a natural with aesthetics. Therefore, I often go for the quality compliments that involve action. After all, we could all do with more positive action:
    "I noticed that you always bus your own table before leaving when you dine at this restaurant - that's a winner!"
    (To our local trash-man while I was passing) "You are awesome, man! Without your hard work, we'd all be swimming in refuse! Thank you!"

  5. Be prepared for the occasional, or even often, hater. You may be met with anger or even derision. It sucks, it's real, there's nothing to do about it, but acknowledge that it simply is what it is and MOVE ON! The sooner you forget about it in the rear-view mirror, the better.

  6. Most important thing of all is to not expecting ANYTHING in return. Yes this was #1 and it is also #6 because it is KEY. Maybe, just maybe, we will all be able to enjoy a better world.


Honestly, I don't know why I bother. I've struggled with severe depression all of my life and I foolishly had kids, so now I can't kill myself because then I'd be abandoning them like my Dad abandoned me. Leaving me with a shyte ton of confusion, anxiety, discomfort and seemingly endless depression. Lovely flipping day.

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