How To Educate Children Aged 1-3 Years?

One of the most fun things for parents is the presence of a baby. Having a baby is a happiness for parents because with the presence of the baby can make a house becomes more crowded despite the cries and babbling is adorable. especially when the baby has started walking.

The baby can already understand what others say. They are more sensitive to sounds, visions and other things. therefore at this age to be a suitable age to teach new things that will be very important for growth and development.

Parents who want to have children who have a high sense of discipline, should be taught since he was a child, for example when he was 1 year old. therefore the mothers should be able to provide some important knowledge so that later the child grows into an easy to manage.

Here are some ways or tips to educate children 1 year...

  • Teach the baby to get to know the things around him. because a 1-year-old child will certainly have a high sense of want to know the objects around him.

This is a great time for parents to introduce it with things around. therefore the Mothers must patiently introduce something new to the Little One.

  • The mothers should invite the little talk more. because by inviting the baby to talk more will make it more new vocabulary so that the child will be more fluent in speaking.

Do not be lazy in responding to children who often babble. because this is a sign that the baby wants more knowledge.

  • Amother should not do bad things in front of Children. because They will learn many things from what they see, especially the behavior of their parents.

Therefore the mother should try not to do such a bad thing, throw the garbage out of place, kick the cat or talk harshly to others because this thing can be caught by the child and slowly make it imitate what is done by his parents.

In terms of child growth, the role of parents is very important. because Educating children 1 year old must be patient and set a good example. Children's behavior will also affect the person who cares for it when experiencing growth and development.

  • A mother should train children not to pee at random. because the use of too old baby diapers is not good and will cause irritation.

Teaching children to urinate in the bathroom is important. but this depends on how the parents taught him. Every parent should have greater patience so that the child can do better and more useful things when he grows up.

That's what I can say, hopefully this article can help parents in terms of educating their children

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