The Lady Who Cuts My Hair Asked Me About Bitcoin - She is Almost 60


This morning I went in for my biweekly hair cut from my usual barber. Yes I am absurdly obsessed with getting my hair cut every two weeks!

Billy Jo has been cutting my hair for years and I know her and her husband well. Anyone who goes to the same person for a hair cut for a long time knows you probably know a lot about their life and who they are as well as your own.

Our conversations prior to today have always been about all kinds of things like family, careers etc ... we have never talked financial prior to this morning.

About half way into my hair cut Billy Jo leans over and softly whispers me a question " Hey you are into computers and stuff, right?" I answer well yes I do quite a bit online and with computers. She than asks me " Have you ever heard of bitcoin?"

Now this might not be as much of a surprise to all of you as it was me, Billy Jo and her husband are close to 60 years old, 20 years to my senior. I just about shat my pants, and I responded "Of course I have heard of bitcoin, I was one of those dumb asses who talked themselves into not investing or buying bitcoin back in it's infancy." As I sat there feeling that sick feeling in my stomach of how different my life would be today if I would of invested a mere 30 bucks back in like 2009, I began to tell her everything I know about bitcoin and crypto currency.


To be fair and honest my knowledge is actually extremely limited, but I know enough to know how wealthy some have become from it.

As the conversation continued she than told me her husband has started to take money from each weeks paycheck to put into Bitcoin and Litecoin. I am not sure if she understood the true volatility of the bitcoin market, but I warned her to learn to ride the waves of crypto currency's and look at it as a long term investment.

As we started to near the end of my haircut I knew I had to act fast as my time was coming to an end soon. I had to tell her about Steem and Steemit. I explained to her what Steem and Steemit was and I am pretty sure I succeeded in peeking her interest in Steem and talking with her husband about investing into some Steem!

After I seemed to persuade her into trusting me into Steem, I remembered another huge blunder I made personally in not investing more into Steem last year and over the last winter when I thought about doing it. I always seem to have that other voice reminding me of I could loose money and how it can be somewhat of a gamble.

My haircut ended - it was both a successful haircut and I believe another person interested in investing into some Steem!


A Follow Up Story is to come in another 2 weeks because like I said I am obsessed with keeping my hair trimmed neatly! I can't wait to hear what her and her husband decide to do!

Make sure to follow me to find out how this progresses! I am excited to see what they do and hope the Steemit Community is too!

Thanks for reading!

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